Want to shed some light

registers Posts: 782 Member
edited September 2024 in Food and Nutrition
You should consult with your physician before beginning any exercise, weight loss, or health care program. This post should not be used in place of a call or visit to a competent health-care professional. You should consult a health care professional before adopting any of the suggestions in this post or before drawing inferences from it.

I had to put a disclaimer because I do talk about controlling insuling levels which can be dangerous to diabetics.

What really pisses me off is inaccurate information. I have been interested and reading on health and fitness since I was 14yrs old. I am 29 now. Around 18yrs old I was in to bodybuilding. I stopped, gained a lot of weight, then i applied my knowledge because I wanted to be a navy SEAL. I lost 100lbs, but i made a huge mistake, which lead me to gain back 80lbs of it. I learned from my mistake and I am continuing my journey. I am a very logical person, I can connect the dots very well and see many flaws in theories and ideas.

IF you choose to read what I have to say, you have to do so with out judgment and a open mind, because if you don't, you will be blinded by your beliefs and judgment. I am here to talk about diets pretty much. I am not saying my theories are correct, I am saying they are what make logical sense to me and I believe in them. They are correct for me, doesn't mean they're correct for you.

As humans we have a tendency to follow authority blindly with out question. That's what the entire education system is based on "I show you how to do this, and this is how it is done, because I know more than you" This also applies to fitness as well. First thing I am going to challenge is the 6 meal a day thing. The theory is "it keeps your metabolism up, because you're constantly eating, so you burn more fat blah blah blah blah blah... blah blah." Does this method work, yes it does. Not because it's 6 meals a day, but because of the total calories consumed in a 24hr period of time. The best eating method I have came across was the warrior diet. People who have done it, have gotten great results, such as 30lbs a month. Like i said I just started working out again this week, while sticking to the warrior diet, i have lost 10lbs in 5 days. First response people have "oh that's just water." Is it? So you say, if i decrease my calories with out changing my fluid intake I lose water? If I increase my caloric intake I gain water? Anyone see a problem with this non sense? Someone who is educated in the field would say "well its your your glycogen(sugar in the muscle) storages that are going down." Remember that Hollywood diet thing? Drink this sugary drink for 2 days and lose 10lbs. How can your glycogen storage's be low if you're consuming sugar(carbs)??? Makes no logical sense. If someone can educate me on this and valid logical theory then please let me know.

So what is this diet like? How about not eating for an entire day, only time you eat is at dinner. I can hear the voices now "that's so wrong, it's bad for you etc..." What I mentioned was an intense version of the program, but the author says it's okay to eat very lightly throughout the day. I am currently drinking a apple juice, a few carrots and a chunk of ginger, makes about a pint, that's is my meal for breakfast lunch and snacks, then i eat about 1500k within a hour. For the theory behind the madness, For those who don't know, insulin stores fat and sugar in to our muscle. Growth Hormone is a biochemical that burns off bodyfat at a quick pace while increasing muscle mass. Sounds like a wonder drug, it is, and it's in our bodies.

Insulin and GH(growh hormone) are pretty much opposites, if insulin goes up, gh goes down, if gh goes down, insulin goes up. So the key here is, to use gh to burn fat and hold on to muscle. How do we use it? well we know that insulin has to go down, how is that done? Simply... eat very few calories or don't eat at all. Now imagine it's dinner time and you haven't eaten all day, when you start to eat... your body is just going to destroy and utilize what you put in your stomach as quick as possible. Insulin will start to raise, cause your muscles to be replenished and fresh for the next day. What does this do to your metabolism? It trains your stomach to digest quickly and use whatever you put in it. This is called a high metabolism. Isn't that what we're all really looking for?

A common debate is "you shouldn't eat late." Theory is, "it turns in to fat if you're not active." 2nd law of thermodynamics states "energy can't be created or destroyed only transformed." Lets say your body burns 2500 calories per day, and you eat 2000 calories per day. That means within a 24hr period you're -500 calories. If you burn 3000 calories per day, does it matter if you eat it in the morning or at night?????? NO because you STILL Burn 3000 calories a day putting you in a -500calorie deficit. The only issue I can foresee is with carb intake. Yes if you eat carbs in the morning most of your energy will come from the carbs and not from fat, compared to if you eat your carbs at night time.

Sorry for blabbing so much, I do have a tendency to do that. I am not saying my theories and ideas are correct, but they make logical sense to me. If you have an opposition based on logic, please let me know, because you might be right.

I forgot to mention do whatever works for you, if you're getting results "don't fix it if it ain't broke."


  • Losingitin2011
    Losingitin2011 Posts: 572 Member
    I actually see a lot of logic in your post, and I like that. You're not here trying to scare us about what we're eating, or how we're horrible if we don't do XYZ. What does this warrior diet entail? I am curious, but I will also see what I can find on google. There is someone my husband knows who is living off of cucumbers and chicken tenders. Maybe 500 calories a day. He is convinced it works because he's lost 14 lbs in a week.

    I am personally leery of anything that causes super fast weight loss, because generally it means that if you stop, you gain all the weight back and then some.
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    I actually see a lot of logic in your post, and I like that. You're not here trying to scare us about what we're eating, or how we're horrible if we don't do XYZ. What does this warrior diet entail? I am curious, but I will also see what I can find on google. There is someone my husband knows who is living off of cucumbers and chicken tenders. Maybe 500 calories a day. He is convinced it works because he's lost 14 lbs in a week.

    I am personally leery of anything that causes super fast weight loss, because generally it means that if you stop, you gain all the weight back and then some.

    I forgot to mention, in my post. Do whatever is working for you. That's a crazy diet you mentioned about cucumbers and turnups sounds dangerous. Yes I agree, that's the mistake i made, quick weight loss.

    The issue with quick weight loss is it's psychological. If the person you mentioned on the cucumber diet loves it every day, and just enjoys doing it, he will continue to do it, but if he hates it, and is fighting every day, more than likely he will fall off the wagon. If someone is starving for a month to lose weight, it's a painful process, but if you muster the guts to do it, and stick with it you will lose weight. But once your body breaks, you're going to eat like crazy and gain it all back. The key here is gradual easy progress. I am not having difficulty with the warrior diet, I have in the past, but not now, I am pretty sure I can stick with it.

    You asked what it consist of, well pretty much, like i said above, not eating for most of the day and eating a huge meal at night. The beauty of this method of eat is, you're not constantly cooking, trying to "get your meals in." It gives you more time and freedom.
  • SunLove8
    SunLove8 Posts: 693 Member
    You should consult with your physician before beginning any exercise, weight loss, or health care program. This post should not be used in place of a call or visit to a competent health-care professional. You should consult a health care professional before adopting any of the suggestions in this post or before drawing inferences from it.

    I had to put a disclaimer because I do talk about controlling insuling levels which can be dangerous to diabetics.

    What really pisses me off is inaccurate information. I have been interested and reading on health and fitness since I was 14yrs old. I am 29 now. Around 18yrs old I was in to bodybuilding. I stopped, gained a lot of weight, then i applied my knowledge because I wanted to be a navy SEAL. I lost 100lbs, but i made a huge mistake, which lead me to gain back 80lbs of it. I learned from my mistake and I am continuing my journey. I am a very logical person, I can connect the dots very well and see many flaws in theories and ideas.

    IF you choose to read what I have to say, you have to do so with out judgment and a open mind, because if you don't, you will be blinded by your beliefs and judgment. I am here to talk about diets pretty much. I am not saying my theories are correct, I am saying they are what make logical sense to me and I believe in them. They are correct for me, doesn't mean they're correct for you.

    As humans we have a tendency to follow authority blindly with out question. That's what the entire education system is based on "I show you how to do this, and this is how it is done, because I know more than you" This also applies to fitness as well. First thing I am going to challenge is the 6 meal a day thing. The theory is "it keeps your metabolism up, because you're constantly eating, so you burn more fat blah blah blah blah blah... blah blah." Does this method work, yes it does. Not because it's 6 meals a day, but because of the total calories consumed in a 24hr period of time. The best eating method I have came across was the warrior diet. People who have done it, have gotten great results, such as 30lbs a month. Like i said I just started working out again this week, while sticking to the warrior diet, i have lost 10lbs in 5 days. First response people have "oh that's just water." Is it? So you say, if i decrease my calories with out changing my fluid intake I lose water? If I increase my caloric intake I gain water? Anyone see a problem with this non sense? Someone who is educated in the field would say "well its your your glycogen(sugar in the muscle) storages that are going down." Remember that Hollywood diet thing? Drink this sugary drink for 2 days and lose 10lbs. How can your glycogen storage's be low if you're consuming sugar(carbs)??? Makes no logical sense. If someone can educate me on this and valid logical theory then please let me know.

    So what is this diet like? How about not eating for an entire day, only time you eat is at dinner. I can hear the voices now "that's so wrong, it's bad for you etc..." What I mentioned was an intense version of the program, but the author says it's okay to eat very lightly throughout the day. I am currently drinking a apple juice, a few carrots and a chunk of ginger, makes about a pint, that's is my meal for breakfast lunch and snacks, then i eat about 1500k within a hour. For the theory behind the madness, For those who don't know, insulin stores fat and sugar in to our muscle. Growth Hormone is a biochemical that burns off bodyfat at a quick pace while increasing muscle mass. Sounds like a wonder drug, it is, and it's in our bodies.

    Insulin and GH(growh hormone) are pretty much opposites, if insulin goes up, gh goes down, if gh goes down, insulin goes up. So the key here is, to use gh to burn fat and hold on to muscle. How do we use it? well we know that insulin has to go down, how is that done? Simply... eat very few calories or don't eat at all. Now imagine it's dinner time and you haven't eaten all day, when you start to eat... your body is just going to destroy and utilize what you put in your stomach as quick as possible. Insulin will start to raise, cause your muscles to be replenished and fresh for the next day. What does this do to your metabolism? It trains your stomach to digest quickly and use whatever you put in it. This is called a high metabolism. Isn't that what we're all really looking for?

    A common debate is "you shouldn't eat late." Theory is, "it turns in to fat if you're not active." 2nd law of thermodynamics states "energy can't be created or destroyed only transformed." Lets say your body burns 2500 calories per day, and you eat 2000 calories per day. That means within a 24hr period you're -500 calories. If you burn 3000 calories per day, does it matter if you eat it in the morning or at night?????? NO because you STILL Burn 3000 calories a day putting you in a -500calorie deficit. The only issue I can foresee is with carb intake. Yes if you eat carbs in the morning most of your energy will come from the carbs and not from fat, compared to if you eat your carbs at night time.

    Sorry for blabbing so much, I do have a tendency to do that. I am not saying my theories and ideas are correct, but they make logical sense to me. If you have an opposition based on logic, please let me know, because you might be right.

    Just seems to me that of course you would lose weight at first because you are burning calories during the day by not really eating much and saving it for dinner. I'm not no expert, but I'm also well read and just find it odd that you are going out of your way to encourage others to not fuel their bodies during the day when they need it most but then eat their calories at the end of their day when most people end up relaxing. Maybe I'm not "logical" to you but I think that everyone would benefit consulting a Doctor or a Nutritionist before listening to anyone's opinions or own conducted research. I'm not trying to be rude by all means, I'm just saying that this is your theory and although you may have some facts right it doesn't mean your whole theory is factual.
  • lottanorde
    lottanorde Posts: 25
    I lost 25lb in 4 weeks this way once.....It was not by choice and I wouldn't say its healthy, but it worked. I was extremely busy during the day at the time . I would drink a coffee in the morning, have an apple or so at lunch and only eat a normal dinner.
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    Just seems to me that of course you would lose weight at first because you are burning calories during the day by not really eating much and saving it for dinner. I'm not no expert, but I'm also well read and just find it odd that you are going out of your way to encourage others to not fuel their bodies during the day when they need it most but then eat their calories at the end of their day when most people end up relaxing. Maybe I'm not "logical" to you but I think that everyone would benefit consulting a Doctor or a Nutritionist before listening to anyone's opinions or own conducted research. I'm not trying to be rude by all means, I'm just saying that this is your theory and although you may have some facts right it doesn't mean your whole theory is factual.

    I agree, with you maybe I don't have the entire picture. We're just having a discussion, no big deal. Let me ask you this, why you think it's important to eat during the day? Because people told you so? I am pretty sure you ate a big meal a few times in the after noon, what happened? You get tired, and sleepy and groggy can barely move, don't want to do anything. This is called the "Parasympathetic nervous system" This is what happens when you eat. What is the opposite of this? It's called the "sympathetic nervous system"(when you don't eat) this triggers energy. Eating makes you tired and groggy, especially when you eat a big meal, don't you want to be tired and sleepy at night, and energized during the day?
  • Losingitin2011
    Losingitin2011 Posts: 572 Member
    Hrm. Sometimes I end up doing something like that, but it's mostly on accident. I have hypoglycemia, so I eat (mostly) regularly to prevent issues. What a lot of people don't understand is that I don't limit my "sugar" intake because I am already worrying about sodium, fiber, protein, etc. etc. The thing I struggle with is the idea that I didn't gain it overnight. In my case, I gained it in a month from medication interactions. A month. It's hard to wrap my brain around the idea that it's going to take me a year to lose what took me a month to gain, without eating a bunch of crap. My eating now really isn't all that different than before, just smaller portions and more veggies.

    I think what helps me most is that I don't think of it as a diet. I don't deny myself things, because I know if I do than I'll only want them more. I just had a 20oz pepsi throwback, and it was delicious. Mind you, I haven't had one in months, but it was good. I hate when people preach about how "clean" eating is the *only* way to go, and I"m poisoning myself and yadda yadda yadda. Food is food. Why make it an enemy?
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    Hrm. Sometimes I end up doing something like that, but it's mostly on accident. I have hypoglycemia, so I eat (mostly) regularly to prevent issues. What a lot of people don't understand is that I don't limit my "sugar" intake because I am already worrying about sodium, fiber, protein, etc. etc. The thing I struggle with is the idea that I didn't gain it overnight. In my case, I gained it in a month from medication interactions. A month. It's hard to wrap my brain around the idea that it's going to take me a year to lose what took me a month to gain, without eating a bunch of crap. My eating now really isn't all that different than before, just smaller portions and more veggies.

    I think what helps me most is that I don't think of it as a diet. I don't deny myself things, because I know if I do than I'll only want them more. I just had a 20oz pepsi throwback, and it was delicious. Mind you, I haven't had one in months, but it was good. I hate when people preach about how "clean" eating is the *only* way to go, and I"m poisoning myself and yadda yadda yadda. Food is food. Why make it an enemy?

    I wish you the best in luck on your success. I just can't imagine that situation, what i'd do or what. But you're here, and you're working on it, that's what matters. A lot of crap has happened in my life, things that are just terrible. I never wish to go back in time to change it, because our adversities that we over come is what makes us who we are. I completely agree, don't force yourself to lose weight, if you want a pepsi it's okay, or drink a bit less. No big deal, the key here is "improve from the past."
  • Losingitin2011
    Losingitin2011 Posts: 572 Member
    Meh, what doesn't kill me makes me stronger!

    I figure there is a reason I was dealt this hand, just don't know what it is yet!
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