Quick work lunch ideas!

I'm a hairdresser and quite often have 10 minutes for lunch (if that sometimes) so I need lunch ideas to stop me cramming a packet of crisps into my gob as it seems to be the only thing I have time for! Lol!


  • lucysmommy2007
    lucysmommy2007 Posts: 103 Member
  • jen19855
    jen19855 Posts: 15 Member
    This sounds silly but soup actually takes too long to eat lol. What with heating it and waiting for it to cool a little, then eating spoon by spoon, before you know it my next client is in and I won't have eaten more than a few spoonfuls haha! X
  • lucysmommy2007
    lucysmommy2007 Posts: 103 Member
    Lol a sandwich or salad?
  • MaryCS62
    MaryCS62 Posts: 266 Member
    A wrap or "soft" sandwich - ie, something with a spread like cream cheese or pb, protein bar or shake, yogurt with some crunchy cereal stirred in just before eating, fruit & cottage cheese, some carrot/celery sticks for snack. If you can keep whatever it is cold with fridge or cold pack, its all the better. Only problem with eating so quickly, your body doesn't have time to process that you've eaten, & it can be easy to overdo.
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    I've learned to like cold leftovers. Otherwise, sandwiches (w/ bread or a wrap) are quick and filling, depending on what you put in them. Perhaps a wrap filled with shredded chicken or beef, veggies, a bit of cheese, even some smashed black or pinto beans (for fiber--so filling and nutritious).
  • higgins8283801
    higgins8283801 Posts: 844 Member
    I like to make turkey wraps or Lettuce wraps veggies and hummus. Tuna salad with ritz crackers. Salad.
  • harvick29fan
    harvick29fan Posts: 28 Member
    I eat a boiled egg, reduced fat mozz cheese stick, cucumber and tuna for my lunch...quick and easy!
  • daniebanks
    daniebanks Posts: 179 Member
    wrap with chicken, salad & avocado