re-starting - yet again!

BranaBecky Posts: 8 Member
edited March 2015 in Motivation and Support
The first time I joined MFP, it was easy and fun. I was so excited. I spent many, many minutes each day logging my meals and recipes, walking with my dogs and planning other little ways to improve my diet and increase my exercise. I allowed myself little treats within the framework of my recommended number and types of calories. As I began to lose weight and feel more energetic I added in little extra bits of exercise, sometimes just little things like getting off the bus a few stops early and walking. I rearranged my desk at work so I could spend a large portion of each workday standing instead of sitting, brought in lots of music on my blackberry and a set of headphones, and added a little bit of movement/dancing to my sedentary workday. I felt fitter, younger, and soon slimmer. I started to actually enjoy choosing clothes to wear that looked good on me, instead of just putting on anything that fit. Slowly but very steadily I lost 50 pounds. I really needed and wanted to lose 40 more, but I began to lose momentum. I maintained my new weight for many months, but couldn't seem to stay focused on losing the rest. I suddenly didn't seem to have time or drive to keep posting all my meals and exercise on MFP. Then gradually, I started putting the weight back on. 3 times I tried to get back on track and re-started using MFP but each time fell off again after a week or two. So here I am, almost 2 years later, and back almost to where I started. I am starting AGAIN with MFP. I even have a little goal to push me - my oldest niece is getting married in 7 months. It would be so nice to look and feel good for her wedding, to be able to wear something that looks and feels nice, have the energy to dance, (and, I admit, show off a little to slimmer relatives I haven't seen in a long time). So please wish me luck and if anyone has any tips for making it "stick" the fifth time around, please share. Becky


  • silveru214
    silveru214 Posts: 4 Member
    Wishing you the best of luck! It is never an easy road but you know you can do it because you have before. All I can say is that don't fear failures because we need failure in life, it just comes down to how we react to our fails. Just keep moving forward no matter how slowly it may be, and remember that you deserve that happiness you're working toward. And...your happiness you will have will only better your niece's special day as well!! Again good luck and just keep moving forward!
  • wholecat
    wholecat Posts: 13 Member
    All I can say is to keep going, one day at a time. It's so hard to drop weight and keep it off. I feel like every time I do really well for a month and then end up putting on more than I started with. Keep with it, even when it's hard. Write down lists of things to keep you motivated. Good choices seem to multiply. The hardest part is starting and not getting derailed. Easier said than done, I know, but I'm right there with you!
  • BranaBecky
    BranaBecky Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks Wholecat and Silveru214. Every word of encouragement helps.