How do you get back on track after loss of momentum?

You know how it is, you've been doing great, watching what you eat, working out, then pow that project at work needs ALL your attention or the kids are sick, and you just don't have time for those "me" things.

Sometimes I have a stressful day at work, skip the gym, go home and pig out. Ugh, I hate it. But, those things just happen from time to time. How do you get yourself back on track? I tend to let that stuff snowball into a bad week. I admit to being an emotional eater. How do you correct these behaviors?

I'd appreciate any of your thoughts/comments.


  • VenessaKim
    VenessaKim Posts: 1 Member
    I've been going through something similar so I totally get how you're feeling. What is motivating me now is not wanting to feel so down, tired, guilty and disappointed. I don't want to live my life feeling uncomfortable in my own skin. Eating what I want and skipping the gym isn't worth making myself feel like this.

    When you feel like giving up think of how energised and elated you will feel after a week, two weeks, a month, the rest of your life- if you have the strength to stay committed to yourself and reach your goal.

    Good luck xx
  • kikichewie
    kikichewie Posts: 276 Member
    Ugh. I know what you mean. I guess I'd just try to let go of the guilt and move forward. Start fresh the minute you're ready (regardless of the time of day, don't wait for tomorrow or Monday). And if you keep doing that every time you fall off the wagon, eventually you will start to find it easier to take care of yourself even when things are chaotic. Just don't put it off when you realize you've been putting yourself last in priority. Have a healthy snack or go for a walk, calm down, and start fresh. Good luck.
  • ShandaLeaS
    ShandaLeaS Posts: 136 Member
    I took 2 weeks off when we went on vacation and when I stepped back on the scale I was mortified at what I'd gained back. That in itself motivated me to get with it
  • summers09jo
    summers09jo Posts: 83 Member
    Aww bless, were all the same we all do it :( I've had a similar day/ days!! My kids are all sick and just getting the urge to binge on nothing that good for me :( I've been trying to bat the negative thoughts straight away with telling myself why I'm doing this and I'm getting married so I've been popping to look at my dress everytime I'm having a urge to sway off track lol I'm now ticking into bowl of bran flakes as they take the sugar craving away :) don't worry we all have these days don't worry set aside a treat day where you have something nice then you will have something to look forward too :) I had a twirl chocolate last nite a any weekly treat lol ... Amazing lol
    Losing weight is a total life change really so were allowed to have to odd day off or go a little wonky if your craving something have it and get back to it tomorrow or tel yourself you can do extra minutes in the gym :) you will be fine !!! Best of luck
  • Tblackdogs
    Tblackdogs Posts: 324 Member
    I periodically take a break. Maybe because I've got a lot of special events or I'm going out of town or I just really need one. I give myself a week (or maybe even two). Then when I come back, I really stick to my calorie goals, try to restart exercise and then give myself a few days before I weigh myself. I've done this a few times since joining MFP and I've never really gained anything after one of these "breaks." Once I'm back, I'm back. And to be honest, it has always felt good to get back to eating fewer calories, making healthier choices etc.
  • thechicagogal
    thechicagogal Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks everyone for your comments! It really helps to know others are going through the same struggle. And it's great to know you don't beat yourselves up for the little slips. I suppose that's a big key to getting back on track. Owning up to it then getting back down to business. Thanks again!
  • hhnkhl
    hhnkhl Posts: 231 Member
    9 months now...never had such a problem
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    Thanks everyone for your comments! It really helps to know others are going through the same struggle. And it's great to know you don't beat yourselves up for the little slips. I suppose that's a big key to getting back on track. Owning up to it then getting back down to business. Thanks again!

    It's so easy to see when it's written down, isn't it?

    I lost 50 lbs in 6 months when I first joined MFP a couple years ago. Two vacations and a sympathy pregnancy later, I had gained 35 of that back even though I sporadically logged and exercised. It was only when I buckled down, forced myself to log everything - everyday, and stop making excuses about exercising (who runs in the rain, really?) that I was able to get myself back on track.
  • Lightbulb1088
    Lightbulb1088 Posts: 189 Member
    I find going to the gym helps. I feel better in so many ways. I know have work days just like that. We have a coworker off sick so I am picking up her part of the job. Or I find something to do outside like go for a walk in the woods, which my dad loved to do. He has past away. I feel closest to him in the woods. :) Yes sometimes when you feel frustrated at work take a break for your job for a few minutes. It gives you a new lease on everything.
    Good Luck!
  • Jazzykc
    Jazzykc Posts: 5 Member
    I read motivational quotes all day long and look at fat and fit pictures. I have my goal pop up every hour that I want to loose 70 pounds. I have lost 50 so far and keep fighting. Today was hard because I felt a little depressed and I can be an emotional eater. I haven't binged so far but I laid around all day.
  • thechicagogal
    thechicagogal Posts: 18 Member
    tincanonastring, you're totally right. I start feeling like, ugh what a horrible day, I just want to go home and sit on the couch. But, the times that I've pushed through and gone to the gym anyway, I felt so much better, and I was able to channel all that frustration into an awesome workout.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    I just do what I need to do each day to feel good. For me, this includes watching my calories and putting forth some form of exercise. You just do it.
  • thechicagogal
    thechicagogal Posts: 18 Member
    Every now and again there are times when I have something bad, like chips or swedish fish (yum yum) in the middle of the day, and I just think, screw it, the whole day is ruined. And then proceed to pig out for the rest of the day.

    I've seriously got to get out of my head about it.
  • lmlaurenmiller
    lmlaurenmiller Posts: 2 Member
    I was the same way for a couple of months too. I felt really tired and sluggish & my clothes were fitting more snug. It really motivated me to get back on track. I feel a million times better and it's like a fresh start after a mini break....
  • wishiwasarunner
    wishiwasarunner Posts: 202 Member
    Every now and again there are times when I have something bad, like chips or swedish fish (yum yum) in the middle of the day, and I just think, screw it, the whole day is ruined. And then proceed to pig out for the rest of the day.

    I've seriously got to get out of my head about it.

    Quit that - not the snacking occasionally necessarily - but the giving up. A bag of chips has about 200 calories in it. That does not ruin a day. Even if you did not make up for it at all with other choices, it is only 200 calories. A pound of fat is 3500 calories. I do not know if you are in maintenance or still losing. If you are still losing - then great - 200 calories over probably still has you at a slight deficit - or at least not much of an increase over maintenance anyway. Maybe you just lose less - until you give it all up. There was a thread on here that compared that to shooting out the other 3 tires on your car when you get a flat on one. Not exactly wise.

  • thechicagogal
    thechicagogal Posts: 18 Member
    wishiwasarunner, you're totally right! I need to look at the big picture. I will continue to work on it.
  • lizzocat
    lizzocat Posts: 356 Member
    I used to let one night throw me off my diet, sometimes a week, sometimes completely. Now, a bad night motivates me to get to the gym and eat better the next day, suddenly it's not a "bad" night anymore, it's just another night of my diet, some days are higher in calories, some days are lower, some days are better nutritionally, some days are worse but in the end it balances out. I am only human though and I do get upset with myself sometimes for bad binge days, but when you go back to eating according to your plan, a few days later it's suddenly not a big deal anymore
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    I have gone three or four days without doing anything but watching calories build up. Still, in six months, I've lost 20 pounds. It seems like i'm either over-determined to lose weight or taking a break. I need to figure out a way to combine the two!
  • sodakat
    sodakat Posts: 1,126 Member
    Every now and again there are times when I have something bad, like chips or swedish fish (yum yum) in the middle of the day, and I just think, screw it, the whole day is ruined. And then proceed to pig out for the rest of the day.

    I've seriously got to get out of my head about it.

    Hope you figure this out. Nothing wrong with eating stuff like that now and then. Just log it. Really, how many calories will it be? Probably not all that many. No need to feel defeated.

    Plus, even if you go over a few hundred calories on any particular day, that doesn't mean you've blown it. More than likely you are still within your maintenance calories and will end up losing over the week.


  • babs987
    babs987 Posts: 4 Member
    I was doing great and then thanksgiving and Christmas came, then a few trips and bam, 12 lbs came back. I did so well with 2 weeks on Atkins and then the rest was just cPunting calories and watching portion sizes. I'm so frustrated now. Going back to a 2 week Atkins cleanse isn't something I want to do again. How do I get back on track?