Jillian Michaels DVD's

chacaruso Posts: 261 Member
I've been doing Jillian Michaels DVD Ripped in 30 and don't know how to list it in my exercise. I just put 30 minutes of strength training under the cardio section but think I actually burn more calories then that. Any suggestions?


  • forJupiter
    forJupiter Posts: 45
    I've heard a lot of people log it as circuit training. Just got he DVD today myself =]
  • WarriorWomanMaxine
    WarriorWomanMaxine Posts: 162 Member
    I would like to know this too BUMP
  • serabee5
    serabee5 Posts: 89
    I asked this early on and was told by EVERYONE to list it as circuit training. Enjoy :)
  • chacaruso
    chacaruso Posts: 261 Member
    Thanx all. That's what I've been doing. Just thought the calorie burn wasn't accurate. How are everyone's results who are doing it? I'm in week two and don't really see any difference.