Need friends! 1 week in and already losing motivation!

HI Everyone!

This is my 3rd membership account.

My Stats!
Female 5ft 4in starting weight 185ish pounds
Goal weights : 140-130 pounds

Im looking to lose 5lbs monthly or more as mini goals.

Im working out about 3-5 days a week for 30min. Doing 30 day squats circuit challanges, and Cardio DVDs.

My will power to continue is running low. It's as if I have to fight with myself in order for me to not grab that donut on the table. GRRR!

Family of 5, including me. - Husband, 3 kids. youngest is 2. Stay at home mom.

I do the whole stepford wife thing - take care of kids, make the home...

Help me stay on track!? 5yrs of being overweight... I'm sick of it.

I tend to everyone else in my life, and I always make myself come last. Losing weight will be the only thing I have wanted for myself so badly!


  • ablassage
    ablassage Posts: 3 Member
    Make sure you are eating 5 to 6 smaller meals throughout the day to keep your metabolism up. I am 5ft 4in. Started at 202 lbs and am currently at 181 lbs after 3 months. Try eating more protein and watch out for hidden sugars in your food. Good luck!
  • wholecat
    wholecat Posts: 13 Member
    Hello! I'm going through a similar process, always making new starts to try to lose the weight. I'm really scared I'll give up this time but I think the more people you have on your side the better. Good luck, stay strong! I'm adding you :)
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    Actually, there is no one way to do this, so figure out what has not worked in the past and try something else. Make sure to set your calorie level appropriately. Especially since you have trouble, do not be overly-aggressive. Make every day something you can live with for the rest of your life. Try to remember why you want to be healthy and fit. Write it down. Post it on the refrigerator. Engineer your life so that temptations are not staring you in the face.
  • bigtrk65
    bigtrk65 Posts: 4
    I'm 50 and been overweight for so long and have started so many times. I'm gonna do it this time, my goal is to drop the pounds and make new friends because I've always tried to do it on my own and always lost motivation after a short time. We can do this!!!
  • OBXgirl130
    OBXgirl130 Posts: 43 Member
    edited March 2015
    I'm also 5'4". I hit 185 a couple years ago. I'm around 165 now. My goal weight is between 125-135 (depends on how I feel when I get there). The first week was really tough for me, but the more into it I get, the easier it becomes to deny my cravings (most of the time). If I need inspiration and motivation to keep going, I instantly go to Pinterest and just pin "before and after" pictures or pin clothes that I want to wear when I lose the weight. It really helps me. And coffee helps curb my appetite. And drinking water. Also I don't keep bad food around the house (which I know that is probably tough since you have kids). Really, motivation comes and goes, but if you want it badly enough, it'll come more than it will go and when it does go, you just got to keep going until it comes back. <---- lol I hope that makes sense. You can do it! Just stay strong! I always think "the next month is going to go by whether I do good or not, but the choices I make right now in this moment will determine how much better I'll feel and look after the next month."
  • caseyon2nd
    caseyon2nd Posts: 30 Member
    I find that tracking my food works the best for me. I view other people food diaries too to get ideas on meals to eat. Before and after pictures are a good inspiration for me too. I'm down 18 lbs in the last 10 weeks, and 38 over the last year. Feel free to add me if you like.
  • dsmay03
    dsmay03 Posts: 13 Member
    Just hang in there. It's tough but you can do it!!
  • shereenasjc
    shereenasjc Posts: 21 Member
    Aw, you guys! I really needed this! Thank you for your thoughts and advice! Yes, another day down... I am adding ALL OF YOU! Hope to hear from you guys again soon! You all are truly inspirational! And those who just started again, like me, - LET's DO THIS! *Feeling soooo much better! <3
  • KaraDuBois
    I can relate. I can't even get through one day recently!I tried to restart again yesterday. I got to the gym & tracked my food all day & then at night went totally overboard & doubled my calorie intake for the day! I lost abt 14 lbs with MFP last year. I went on a 10 day cruise in November & totally fell off the wagon. I got back home just in time for the holiday season. I have yet to be able to get back on track. I've gained back 7 of my 14 lbs. I want to be able to get back in control of my food & health & life again. My sugar cravings are my biggest problem recently. I need support, guidance & motivation from people who have been there & made it to the other side! You're all an inspiration:)
  • skinbeauty2005
    skinbeauty2005 Posts: 24 Member
    I'm also a "Stepford Wife" :# staying positive is key! I took measurements the day is started ( only 1 week ago!) and will not look at the scale or re-measure again until 15 days out. This keeps me from feeling like I failed by not seeing any changes quickly, and it helps me to focus on how I feel. and I feel good! You