i definately need motivation and support!!

i lost about 20 lbs, and got back up to my HIGHEST weight of 214. im feeling very down. i have 96.. well 94 lbs to lose now, but every time i get down 10 pounds, i cheat again, and can't get back on track, and i end up gaining all of the weight back. i feel like im NEVER going to lose all that weight!!excercise is boring for me an im never motivate for it, and i cant keep it up for more than a week. :explode: i dont look good in anything and i just am in a VERY grouchy mood all the time.. and i just need help!!


  • mimzy123
    i lost about 20 lbs, and got back up to my HIGHEST weight of 214. im feeling very down. i have 96.. well 94 lbs to lose now, but every time i get down 10 pounds, i cheat again, and can't get back on track, and i end up gaining all of the weight back. i feel like im NEVER going to lose all that weight!!excercise is boring for me an im never motivate for it, and i cant keep it up for more than a week. :explode: i dont look good in anything and i just am in a VERY grouchy mood all the time.. and i just need help!!
  • bigjug1967
    I know how you feel I have 100 + to lose and I have failed so many times . I have learned that the only thing I can do is find a small goal and go for it one step at a time. You may have set your goals too high . Set a goal each week and try to do your best to do it. Find a workout buddy , that is so helpful and it becomes a competition and motivates you as well . There are alot people out here just like you and we will be here for you as much as we can and we ncan all have bad days just remember.
  • fitzio1015
    i'm a little older than you but not by much....i'm 22....but i know exactly how you feel.....i have been over weight all my life but for 3 months...yeah...i lost almost 100 pounds then i got pregnant and gained 70 back that was 5 years ago....i have been on yo yo diets since then...i always wanted it to happen over night and when it didn't i gave up...now from this site and the support iof my family i am doing it...not to look good but to feel good...even if i don't lose any weight or get to my goal i know i am eating healthier and making my heart stronger and my mind...i always feel better and more alive when i try...and not trieng that gets me down...but i have been on this site about a month and i have lost 14 pounds.....i know you can do it...its been hard but yet easy at the same time...

    as far as exercise....do you like to dance?..i do and i am too heavy to feel comfortable going to a club...so i turn the music up and i dance to it...not just side step i mean completely into it...yeah i probly look horriable and really stupid but who cares,,,i am haveing a blast and burning calories at the same time...i do that as i clean and as i cook.....my son and husband look at me like i am a total goof but oh well they love me anyway....don't think of it as a chore think of it as fun....if you don't like to dance find something active that you like to do....do you like to walk...go for a walk around a lake or something like that,...its very peaceful and thats time to think...i love to go with my husband,,,,we talk about life and and even after 4 years of being married we learn even more about each other....and that brings us closer...before i know it its been hours of walking and so many miles but it didn't feel like work....

    just those little things make it so much more enjoyable.....

    hope this has helped you...you can always message me if you need to talk or just to vent about life....i'm log on atleast 3 times a day..a.nd i will always answer you back...

    good luck to you....on being a healthier person...you are already beautiful and don't let anyone tell you different....
  • mimzy123
    Thank you soo much! i am definately motivated! its very refreshing to see people that i dont even know care for me and other people!
  • bricker06
    bricker06 Posts: 316
    i am just like you, i have dieted before but never stuck with it.:mad: this site has been amazing. :smile: unfortunatley all of my family is not fully supportive. :mad: my husband and kids are pretty good. i cook all week and they eat what i make but the weekend is fair game to them. my step mom i feel like she is always trying to sabatage me.:mad: :mad: like tonight we were there to visit and she invited us to stay for dinner, i had made beef stew in the crockpot for my hubby ( i dont care for it) and had my day completely planned so i politely turned her down. she started with "the pork is lean and cooked with olive oil" and it just continued from there.:mad::explode: she told me to suck it up going over my cals wouldnt kill me.:mad: :explode: :mad: i know that it wont but i took my mom out to dinner last night for her bday and splurged alittle.:blushing: not bad. but i made a short goal for myself and i want to meet it, im that close. i started this 12-27, my goal is to lose 20 by my bday 2-3. im at 18 gone only 2 to go and i didnt want all the extra temtations that were on her dinner table. :sick: you know real mashed potatoes with butter, white bread with butter, and chocolate cake for desert. so we went home, had a great fulfilling meal, and now im here. :wink: as far as workouts go, you will find something you enjoy. try the library, you check out a lot of workout dvds and see what you like. i love the treadmill while watching soaps, i love dancing and found dance off the inches dvds (salsa dancing) when im healthy and thin ill look really sexy salsa dancing :bigsmile: even if it is only for my hubby. stay positive evry day is a new day. we have all been where you are. we are all here to help. good luck tomorrow.:smile:
  • fitzio1015
    hey brick my husbands granmother is like that...lol...always yummy no good food...lol..and its always,..oh just this one time...but i try it not to hurt her feeling so i just have a little and make a little white lie like oh i have dinner on or i just ate....as far as sweets...that don't bother me...now you put a huge plate of greasy french fries...and i am all over it...lol....but i found a recipe for good ones that are good for me...so i am siked....i also have one for cake if yoiu want it...plus other yummy deserts and cookies....good stuff ...low cal....let me know...
  • skinnyray
    I hear ya! After getting married, having a baby, and just plain being lazy, I have about 100 lbs to lose as well! Just remember, it didn't get there overnight, and it's not going to come off that way either!!! I try to drink lots of water and remember-- nothing tastes as good as thin (or thinner) feels!!! Feel free to message me if you need a jump start! ~Rebecca :bigsmile:
  • bricker06
    bricker06 Posts: 316
    i would love some sweets recipies. im not huge on sweets but the hubby is and if its not as bad as the regular stuff i wouldnt feel so bad making it.
  • newstart
    "Exercise is boring for me"

    If you have the means, I would suggest you join a class of some sort. The social aspect of it helps keep you going and the group usually will motivate each other to keep going.
    You could find a low aerobic class for starters or anything that peeks your interest..Don`t go it alone if keeping up is an issues. Many comunities have walking groups as well so you should be able to find something.
    After those first week are gone and you start seing results it will become easier and you`ll probably want to increase your activities...
  • mimzy123
    well i dont have the money to join a gym, but i have aerobics next semester at school!!! 45 minutes of free training!!!:happy: