Looking for friends

Hello, I'm new and would like to find friends to talk to and keep motivated. I started trying to get in shape feb 14 and have lost 28 lbs. I've never kept going this long and I don't want to give up.


  • cogsci
    cogsci Posts: 29 Member
    28 lbs in little over 1 month? Wow! That is a lot! How did you do that? FR sent...
  • Serledv1
    Serledv1 Posts: 3 Member
    Good job! I weighed in this morning and now stand on 44lbs lost! I never thought it was possible, but if I can do it, so can you!! Keep going!!
  • dmsawchuk31
    dmsawchuk31 Posts: 2 Member
    Ty, I can't wait for the 44 lbs mark it will be my lowest weight in at least 10 years. Gratz to you Serledv1!