Help me choose a Protein Powder

javarushed Posts: 218 Member
I was looking over a article about protein ( which led me to where you can customize your protein powder from what type of protein, to what it is sweetened with and what additives you'd like. I'm considering buying this protein 100% Whey Protein Isolate Cold-Filtration with 0 carbs. 27g of protein per serving @ $8.99 a lb.

Has anyone purchased True Protein products before? I still have another 10-20 lbs I'd like to lose, so any suggestions on additives etc would be appreciated. Thanks :D


  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Check out Jay Robb protein powder......
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    Are you still losing? You just started zig zagging a little while ago - what's going on with that?
  • Irene8509
    Irene8509 Posts: 381 Member
    Never tried it. have used Spiru-tein Powder. Vanilla was tasty. Let me know if it's good.
    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • pammyedmunds
    pammyedmunds Posts: 608 Member
    Before I started with Shakeology I was using Allmax Isolate Natural Whey Protein. One scoop to my fruit smoothies. Now I will admit these fruit smoothies did not act as a meal replacement for me. I was still hungry. Now that I am doing Shakeology which by the way has some whey protein in it I don't have those hunger pains.
  • nab22
    nab22 Posts: 168
    That's so cool you can customize your own! Sounds cheaper than buying already-mixed ones too
  • javarushed
    javarushed Posts: 218 Member
    @ Grokette I still remember your recommendation and I was considering going with either Jay Robb or the EAS one. I just stumbled across this True Protein site and this protein has 0 carbs, is cheaper and can be sweetened with stevia if I'd like :D Just wanted to see if anyone else used this company before, if I should use any of the offered additives to customize the protein and how it tastes etc :D
  • javarushed
    javarushed Posts: 218 Member
    @ poustotah

    After binge eating for a few days and "gaining" 2 lbs (up to 211), I reverted back to my cut phase and broke my 6 week plateau and went down to 201 lbs 10 days later. I'm currently at 203 lbs and my last couple of weeks of entries in my food diary aren't exactly pretty, but I plan to go back to my cut phase again for a couple of weeks at least. I really only want to get down to 190 or so even though my body won't be exactly how I want to look. I'd like to become more focused on building muscle rather then maintaining muscle at that point and I'll have to change my diet around accordingly.

    I decided to only go with zig zagging when I hit another plateau, since even though I didn't technically do a healthy zig zag the basic concept seemed to work and broke my plateau.
  • javarushed
    javarushed Posts: 218 Member
    @ Irene I'll look into Vanilla Spiru-tein Powder. Thanks for the recommendation :D

    @Pammy Which flavor do you recommend for the Allmax?

    @ Nab I know right! I like the ability to customize my protein powder and it does seem to be way cheaper. I'm just concerned with buying from a site I never heard from before and I hope someone here had a positive experience with them, so I'll feel more comfortable making my purchase.
  • mark03264
    mark03264 Posts: 334 Member
    I used to use Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Whey. Excellent high quality whey protein. I would use this again if I switch back to a whey only protein.'s supplement of the year AND protein powder of the year 2009,2010. Can be had for $8.50 a pound if you buy ten pounds.

    I currently use At Large Nutrition's Nitrean. It is a blend of whey, egg and casein proteins. This stuff was chosen as Men's Health Best Protein 2008, 2009 & 2010. Where whey is considered a "fast" protein this blend will provide your body with protein over a longer period of time. It is more expensive. $5.76 per pound if you buy 9.2 pounds.
  • javarushed
    javarushed Posts: 218 Member
    Wow Mark thanks for the suggestions. That Nitrean protein looks like some good stuff. I don't know the differences between the many different proteins and my knowledge was limited to only Whey > Soy. Would a Whey only protein be better for before/after a workout and the Nitrean be better for a morning/night daily supplement?
  • mark03264
    mark03264 Posts: 334 Member
    From my reading there are a lot of people that do just what you are saying, using whey in the morning and before/after a workout and casein to replace meals and/or before bed. I use the Nitrean for all my protein supplementation. The advantages of both in one supplement.
    Here are links to some articles on the subject. There are many more out there.
  • deathtaco
    deathtaco Posts: 237
    Optimum Nutrition
    Xtreme Formulations
  • javarushed
    javarushed Posts: 218 Member
    Thanks for the articles Mark. I'm constantly learning new things everyday and I never knew how complex becoming fit can become lol.
  • javarushed
    javarushed Posts: 218 Member
    @deathtaco Thanks for the recommendations. I'll look into them!
  • pammyedmunds
    pammyedmunds Posts: 608 Member

    @Pammy Which flavor do you recommend for the Allmax?


    I used the Natural flavor. I added fresh fruit juice so I wanted the flavors from that. Oasis fruit juices worked really great same with Pineapple juice.
  • javarushed
    javarushed Posts: 218 Member
    ah k thanks again :D
  • LeelaLosing
    LeelaLosing Posts: 237 Member
    I know two people who use MRM, it's almost as inexpensive as yours I think, and is "clean" (with stevia, no additives). They both really like it. I plan on ordering when I use up the stuff I bought from my nutritionist.
  • javarushed
    javarushed Posts: 218 Member
    I was lazy and grabbed some Body Fortress Super Advanced Whey Protein at Walmart for $15 per 2lbs. Not the best, but I really wanted to use this Blender Bottle I bought lol ;x