Bikini by July 4th Challenge? Anyone up for it?!



  • madamelaporte
    madamelaporte Posts: 404 Member
    i dont know if this challenge is still going as it has been very quiet but just in case it is just wanted to say Im another 1lb down this week so now at 131 :) I tried on my bikini top yesterday and there were no bits hanging over :) just need to work on the thighs and bottom and I might just be happy lol :)
  • michome28
    michome28 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello all! I'm in! This is definitely what I need to get back on track. I have to admit this is my first time actually writing on a blog/message board. Any tips? For exercise, I'm going to start back up on TurboFire, love Chalene and kickboxing!
  • Reald
    Reald Posts: 7
    Hi, I have to get in the pool whether I lose weight or not. I have three girls and one that is two, so she can't swim alone.
    I think this gives me enough time to be relatively less embarrassed and more comfortable to walk around in a bathing suit.
    Thanks for the great idea!!!
    My current weight is 187 and I am almost 5'11, I really need to work on my legs!!! Any ideas of workout videos. I have the 30 day shred, does anyone recommend that video?
  • madamelaporte
    madamelaporte Posts: 404 Member
    oh yeah I have done the 30DS and I lost 4cm on each thigh :) although Im still not happy with my thighs lol - I am currently doing No more trouble zones by Jillian Michaels which is great about 55mins so longer than 30DS but she follows the same idea and man do I ache after it especially my abs !!!!!
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