Breastfeeding/ New Moms



  • eheber9
    eheber9 Posts: 4 Member
    I had my son in April of 2014 and started tracking calories in May because the pounds were just hanging on (not gaining but just staying). Since starting to track last May, I have lost over 60 lbs. I am still nursing on demand/pumping at work and give myself 400 calories a day for that. I was not good about exercising so I really had to watch the calories. I am less than 10 lbs from my goal weight now. Good luck to all of you. If you are careful in logging, and try to choose healthier options for your calories, you can do this and I am rooting for you.

    My challenge now is going to be figuring out what to eat without nursing and those extra calories burned. Either will need to find time to workout, or will need to reduce my intake. Just need to take it one step at a time.
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    I just had my 3rd baby on Friday. I gained 44 lbs total and am down 9 so far. I am EBF and I add 500 calories to my day but my little one nurses a lot so i might need to add more calories. I find as long as I track what I eat then I lose. I will likely drop another 10 lbs quickly as some of the water weight comes off (my feet are very swollen). Then after I drop all the baby weight I have another 30 to lose! I want the baby weight off by the summer though.

    For exercise I have a fitbit and will begin walking again as soon as I'm healed (15 000 steps a day). And once I am cleared I will begin weight lifting again 3 times per week.