why do people sabotage

I lost 16 lbs and found family and friends unhappy with my weight loss and said l looked ill. They would be negative and push me to eat extra food. Now l have gained it all back no one says anything. Does anyone else have this problem?


  • PeachyPlum
    PeachyPlum Posts: 1,243 Member
    There are a couple of things that could be happening here:

    1. They felt jealous/insecure because of your weight loss, so they wanted you to regain the weight.
    2. You really didn't have 16 lbs to lose and became underweight.
    3. You were at a healthy weight but arrived there through unhealthy means (extremely low calories with improper nutrition) and so you were, in fact, ill.

    Can you provide more information about how you lost the 16 lbs, and what your starting and goal weight are?
  • MeiannaLee
    MeiannaLee Posts: 338 Member
    My mom is obese and calls me anorexic all the time.
    I'm just like... sure mom ;) Keep on hating.
  • beemerphile1
    beemerphile1 Posts: 1,710 Member
    razisready wrote: »
    I lost 16 lbs and found family and friends unhappy with my weight loss and said l looked ill. They would be negative and push me to eat extra food. Now l have gained it all back no one says anything. Does anyone else have this problem?

    How did they force you to eat? Did one hold you down while another stuffed food in your mouth?

    You are making excuses. You are on a solo journey and you caved to outside pressure which encouraged you to do what you really wanted to do anyhow.

    No one can do it for you and no one can sabotage you. Do it for yourself.
  • esjones12
    esjones12 Posts: 1,363 Member
    PeachyPlum wrote: »
    There are a couple of things that could be happening here:

    1. They felt jealous/insecure because of your weight loss, so they wanted you to regain the weight.
    2. You really didn't have 16 lbs to lose and became underweight.
    3. You were at a healthy weight but arrived there through unhealthy means (extremely low calories with improper nutrition) and so you were, in fact, ill.

    Can you provide more information about how you lost the 16 lbs, and what your starting and goal weight are?

    This. Usually one of these three.
  • JSurita2
    JSurita2 Posts: 1,304 Member
    razisready wrote: »
    I lost 16 lbs and found family and friends unhappy with my weight loss and said l looked ill. They would be negative and push me to eat extra food. Now l have gained it all back no one says anything. Does anyone else have this problem?

    I don't think you can blame them for your weight gain. You did that to yourself. Even if you think they "pushed" you to eat extra food, you ate it. You didn't have to eat it unless of course they held a gun to your head.
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    What looks like sabotage to one person looks like an invitation to another. Why does someone offer food/drink? Because they like you and want your company and your participation in something THEY enjoy. They're thinking of what would be fun/enjoyable for themselves. They're not thinking about your diet.
  • jmasci20
    jmasci20 Posts: 82 Member
    Hang in there! If you did it before you can do it again. Hopefully you can find a group of friends in this community who will support your efforts.
  • EmmaFitzwilliam
    EmmaFitzwilliam Posts: 482 Member
    Stipulating that your assessment is subjective, and not objective, only you can decide if you feel healthy at any given weight. What does your doctor say? Others can (and will) make comments; you decide how you will respond.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    razisready wrote: »
    I lost 16 lbs and found family and friends unhappy with my weight loss and said l looked ill. They would be negative and push me to eat extra food. Now l have gained it all back no one says anything. Does anyone else have this problem?

    How much do you weigh? Could it be that you were already at a healthy weight?

    I also think that a lot of people don't know what a healthy weight is anymore since a lot of the population is overweight or obese. I weigh around 153 pounds & had a customer the one day ask if I weighed 100 pounds.
  • Artgirl1121
    Artgirl1121 Posts: 3 Member
    It takes a lot of willpower to lose the weight, but I think the toughest thing is spending time with friends/family and maintaining healthy eating habits in social situations. I don't plan on avoiding family functions, so I've had to adapt a lot. Like a lot of families, food is a way for mine to show their love, and they get personally affronted when I choose not to eat what they eat. I don't get preachy about it, but a lot of them can take it really personally when I don't eat what they eat, or turn down food they are trying to get me to eat. I've discovered that they can take it so personally because they take it as a judgment on their own weight or nutrition habits. Also, I agree with ahoy_m8 above, as sometimes it isn't about the diet, it's just them sharing how they enjoy themselves.

    I just had a direct conversation with my friends & family, asking for their support and explaining that I don't expect to be catered to, but they're going to see me making different choices now and to keep a cap on the commentary. Also, although it's really not any of their business, I did explain that my weight loss was doctor ordered, and I needed to get healthy. That last part shouldn't have been news to anyone, and so when I put it so directly, I had more success with getting the support I needed.

    Good luck!
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    They don't. You gained weight because you ate too much, not because they force fed you. Also maybe you were legit underweight.
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    razisready wrote: »
    I lost 16 lbs and found family and friends unhappy with my weight loss and said l looked ill. They would be negative and push me to eat extra food. Now l have gained it all back no one says anything. Does anyone else have this problem?

    There are a multitude of reasons that people say things that may sound like sabotage – some are well-intentioned and some are not.

    For me it was a matter of:

    1 – Not discussing everything in detail with family / friends unless they were specific questions. Sometimes, I’d suggest they check out MFP for a feel for what I was doing.
    2 – Multiple doctors had told me to lose weight and more than one cardiologist recommended surgery.
    3 – The goals I set were more than in line with any reputable height/weight chart or study.
    My “go to” in difficult situations would be something like –

    “I am following the advice of 2 cardiologists and my family doctor. My doctors are aware of my diet and goals. My objectives are completely in line with all valid height/weight reference chart ranges. If you have any medical resource to the contrary, I would certainly like to read it. ” That always ended the conversation.

    Directness (not rudeness) and facts usually won the day.

    No one could ever pushed me into eat anything. I have never blamed anyone but myself for being obese. I continued to buy my wife ice cream, McDonalds etc. – as she has no food issues and eats in moderation. I never asked her to pay the price for my weight problems.

    Good luck to you.

  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    edited March 2015
    razisready wrote: »
    I lost 16 lbs and found family and friends unhappy with my weight loss and said l looked ill. They would be negative and push me to eat extra food. Now l have gained it all back no one says anything. Does anyone else have this problem?

    How did they force you to eat? Did one hold you down while another stuffed food in your mouth?

    You are making excuses. You are on a solo journey and you caved to outside pressure which encouraged you to do what you really wanted to do anyhow.

    No one can do it for you and no one can sabotage you. Do it for yourself.

    Please remove the chip from shoulder..
    She was asking a question.. why people were negative when she lost the weight, but was neutral to her gaining the weight back.

    She was just asking a question.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    razisready wrote: »
    I lost 16 lbs and found family and friends unhappy with my weight loss and said l looked ill. They would be negative and push me to eat extra food. Now l have gained it all back no one says anything. Does anyone else have this problem?

    How did they force you to eat? Did one hold you down while another stuffed food in your mouth?

    You are making excuses. You are on a solo journey and you caved to outside pressure which encouraged you to do what you really wanted to do anyhow.

    No one can do it for you and no one can sabotage you. Do it for yourself.

    You gave an honest answer, you are a bully.

    She was just asking a question.
    Fixed it for you
  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    razisready wrote: »
    I lost 16 lbs and found family and friends unhappy with my weight loss and said l looked ill. They would be negative and push me to eat extra food. Now l have gained it all back no one says anything. Does anyone else have this problem?

    Truth be told, its a perception issue. people who have seen you at a certain weight for X amount of time, and when you lost X amount await, it looked funny/strange.

    Now a new person, who see you for the 1st will think you look healthy from the start.
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    I'm sorry your family forced fed you until you gained back all the weight. They are not very nice.
  • adamitri
    adamitri Posts: 614 Member
    Op are you a healthy weight? Are you underweight?
  • razisready
    razisready Posts: 41 Member
    razisready wrote: »
    I lost 16 lbs and found family and friends unhappy with my weight loss and said l looked ill. They would be negative and push me to eat extra food. Now l have gained it all back no one says anything. Does anyone else have this problem?

    How did they force you to eat? Did one hold you down while another stuffed food in your mouth?

    You are making excuses. You are on a solo journey and you caved to outside pressure which encouraged you to do what you really wanted to do anyhow.

    No one can do it for you and no one can sabotage you. Do it for yourself.