No connection to my fitness pal with my windows phone

I have not been able to connect my Nokia Lumia to the mfp website for 3 days. I have to do all my updating online, which is a pain when I am out and have to keep writing down what I have eaten so I don't forget...anyone else having this problem still?


  • You are not the only one. It's a little bit frustrating.
  • cubsterofthesea
    cubsterofthesea Posts: 32 Member
    Really frustrating:#
  • leomentlines
    leomentlines Posts: 440 Member
    Which Lumia do you have? I have the 925 and so far I'm able to access both the website and the app from my phone. Have you tried updating through the app?
  • cubsterofthesea
    cubsterofthesea Posts: 32 Member
    Which Lumia do you have? I have the 925 and so far I'm able to access both the website and the app from my phone. Have you tried updating through the app?

    Thanks for the suggestion. The app is working now :)