Cheat days and weight loss

Hey guys,

I hope you're all doing well.

I just want to ask a few questions about cheat days...

what do you guys think about having cheat days on MFP? Do you have them? If so, do you still lose weight?

I know some dieticians recommend having a cheat day once a week to rev up your metabolism. Is this the case with calorie counting?

Any help, tips or advice will be really appreciated.

Thank you


  • ncboiler89
    ncboiler89 Posts: 2,408 Member
    edited March 2015
    kschamlu wrote: »
    what do you guys think about having cheat days on MFP? Do you have them? If so, do you still lose weight?

    I don't have cheat days per se and don't really understand them. When I go over my daily goal it's not planned but rather typically induced by alcohol (read six or seven beers). If you go over your limit you will not lose for that day but it's only one day.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I do not have cheat days. I have days when I eat more than others but I plan for them, either by eating a bit less on other days or by allowing myself extra calories (such as eating at maintenance.) A few days a year (birthday, certain holidays, vacation) I don't log at all and then I go back to logging the next day.
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    Having a cheat day will not "rev up your metabolism".

    Do a cheat day if you want, others fit in what they want throughout the week. Whatever works better.
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    No one likes a cheater.
  • davidcmadrid
    davidcmadrid Posts: 3 Member
    edited March 2015
    A Cheat meal (not day ) is very important especially if its a carb reload. Depends on the context though are you low carb ? Especially if in defecit with lower carb. You will see your body respond to it on the weighing scales the next morning ,, in terms of water weight by a drop in water retention.

    In any case a good hearty meal ( that brings you over maintenance calories for the day .. dont be afraid to go over ) increases leptin which does keep your metabolism speed up.. Note keeps it up as in avoids it slowing down...

    Read on the topic :

  • pollypocket1021
    pollypocket1021 Posts: 533 Member
    I have days where I go way over. I log it and move on. They aren't planned or intentional "cheat days" but they have not deterred weight loss. I'm 4'11 and 119, so you'd think it would set me back about a month, but not even a blip.
  • AshwinA7
    AshwinA7 Posts: 102 Member
    At the end of the day, a deficit of 3500 calories will result in a 1 pound loss in fat (in general). So when you factor in a cheat day into your net caloric intake, it may or may not be the required deficit to lose that pound.

    Saying that it "revs up your metabolism" is disingenuous and really only applies to people who have very deep deficits and have been dieting for a long time. Even then, the hit to your TDEE isn't all that great.

    The best way is not to think of them as "cheat days" but instead, think of those "cheat foods" as regular foods and eat them in moderation (or whatever is allowed at your level of intake). You're much more likely to see steady change by recording everything you're eating rather than waiting for a miraculous boost in metabolism.

    Hope this helps!