Hey! :D

Hey everybody I am new here obviously (: I am trying to lose 70 ish pounds! I want to take my life in my control so I can be healthy and fit. I am in need of friends on here my boyfriend is in the Air Force and I am trying to lose weight before he gets home in October :D I am bound and determined to get this done. Any support would help, ideas or just anything! Thanks (:


  • lynnmarie60
    lynnmarie60 Posts: 325
    Get rid of all fatty, prosessed foods in the house and start fresh with low-fat, reducted fat and no fat foods and dressings. Buy a bunch of fresh fruit and veggies and make a menu for breakfast, lunch and dinner every week and stick to it. Also, make sure you have stick to your daily and weekly goals but have handy low calorie snacks to curve your cravings for chocolate, or anything else you might want during the week. Weight yourself at the same time and day in the same clothes or without every week or two on a empty stomach and bladder to get the best weigh in results.

    Also set out a plan on what type of exercise you will do and for how long every day. Change it up, along with the foods you eat because you don't want your metobolism to get "accostomed" to those foods and routine or your weight may stay the same.

    Good luck! It's hard work but doable if determined.
  • rockinfree
    rockinfree Posts: 6
    I added you :)
  • CierraRocks
    Thanks :D That is great advice I think my BIGGEST challenge is going to be the simple fact of going outside and exercising, or just exercising period. I already did the whole grocery shopping yesterday and have been doing good with my calorie counting. I see a lot of people saying to stay 500 below your allowed calories a day. Does everybody do this or no?
  • write2sonya
    write2sonya Posts: 165 Member
    Hi there, we have a similar goal! Friend request sent.....
  • Melbel85
    Melbel85 Posts: 240 Member
    Staying 500 below your calories would send you into starvation mode so this is not good advice! I have learned that drinking 8 glasses of water a day has really helped me lose weight. Feel free to add me!