NEWBIE Lost 97 pounds, 25 to go! Question though??

Hey all! Nice meeting you! :-)
I have a quick question...
On our profile pages...when we add friends, or even if we haven't added them yet, are they able to see our weight??
I like to keep that to myself, even though I've lost a good amount. I just don't want ALL my info shared.
If they DO see your weight, is there a privacy setting for that?
I don't mind folks knowing I've got 25 to go, but I don't really want my to date weight all over facebook and this site. lol Anyone know? :-)


  • ldmccoy3
    ldmccoy3 Posts: 3
    WOW! Congrass on the AMAZING weight loss! I am new also and have been looking around this site for a while and have no seen anyone's actual weight unless they put it in a signature.
  • pinstripepirate
    pinstripepirate Posts: 605 Member
    They can't see your weight unless you have your ticker set to show your actual weight. Most likely it is set to show how much weight you've lost/how much you have left to lose (I think that's the default), but you can edit all that information if you want.

    Congratulations on your weight loss so far! :)
  • FallingNinja0420
    I'm new, too. From what I've seen, there's a ticker that shows your progress on your page. You can edit your ticker by going to tools, and designing it. You can make the ticker say how much you have LEFT to lose, how much you HAVE lost, the bottom of it can show your current weight or your goals... you can even change the background image if you so desire.

    Congratulations on 97! Good luck on the last 25!
  • Helena4
    Helena4 Posts: 124
    Unless you have a ticker, like the one below mine that says 4lbs to go (YAY!) then noone can see, not even if they are you're friend.
    The only way that people know about your weight is when you check in and log your weight and it will say...for example today; 'Helena 4has lost 0.3 pounds since she last logged in! She's lost 3.6 pounds so far.' But there is no timeframe on this or anything that shows how long the weight has taken to loose or when you last logged your weight etc :)
  • zoombie_bear
    zoombie_bear Posts: 963 Member
    just write less in your profile information and remove your sticker/ticker tracker and voilà!
  • david081
    david081 Posts: 489 Member
    Yeah you don't HAVE to display a ticker... although the amount you have lost would be an inspiration to many!
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    Hey all! Nice meeting you! :-)
    I have a quick question...
    On our profile pages...when we add friends, or even if we haven't added them yet, are they able to see our weight??
    I like to keep that to myself, even though I've lost a good amount. I just don't want ALL my info shared.
    If they DO see your weight, is there a privacy setting for that?
    I don't mind folks knowing I've got 25 to go, but I don't really want my to date weight all over facebook and this site. lol Anyone know? :-)

    You can also go to settings and make your profile private to your friends only, and also choose not to have anything shown in FB. At least that is what I heard, because I am not on FB.
    Congratulations on your lost and good luck!