30 Day Shred

I'm pretty new here, and a lot of people are talking about the 30 Day Shred, is it really working? Can a newbie to the exercise
world do it??

Thanx :happy:


  • Remi79
    Remi79 Posts: 346 Member
    I tried it a year ago 1 day and could barely walk the next day. I'm re-starting it a week from Monday, as I'm going to be gone for this week and won't be able to keep it up.
  • kimberlygo
    kimberlygo Posts: 74
    I can see how it would tone you. You definitely feel it after. It really hurt my knees, so I stopped.
  • rfcollins33
    rfcollins33 Posts: 630
    hi, I've just finished my 4th day of level 1. I am already seeing results esp in my arms. There is a workout model who does a lower intensity version as well, so it should be NO problem for you!! Enjoy! And it's only 20 min, so it is really handy.
  • krisnic0525
    krisnic0525 Posts: 14
    I'm currently one week into 30DS and I have nothing but GREAT things to say. It might be due the hype everywhere about it being so hard, but the fact that I faced my fears and dove right in makes me feel so much stronger. I'm also noticing physical changes--my cardio endurance is much better. In addition to 30DS, I try to walk 2 to 3 miles daily. In the last week my average walk speed has increased from 2.8 mph to 3.3 mph. I honestly feel like I can take on the world, mentally and physically. I say go for it. I'm by no means physically fit and I was able to keep up with the work. Its a butt kicker though--no lie. Good luck if you decide to try it out.
  • moonspells27
    moonspells27 Posts: 5 Member
    You can work your way up to it by modifying the moves. I got good results from doing it myself. I can see a huge change in my arms. I've been doing it for over a month now.
  • Helena4
    Helena4 Posts: 124
    My DVD arrived on Saturday & I'm starting tomorrow morning, with the start of a new week :) - I'll keep you posted on how it goes!!
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    I started the 30 Day Shred in January. The first workout just about killed me. As in I was still lying on the floor bathed in sweat an hour after the video was over. (seriously). I could barely walk up and down the stairs the first week. After that my body adjusted. I lost 12 lbs during the 40 days it took me to do the Shred (I started alternating Couch to 5K in after the first two weeks which extended my time).
    I am now working in Ripped in 30 on my off running days for some strength training. I think if you listen to your body and stretch a ton after the first few workouts you will do a great job with it.
  • TacoGibbons
    TacoGibbons Posts: 136 Member
    I love the 30DS. It is my favorite workout DVD; I have been using it for over a year now. This past month I thought I'd try doing the whole 30 day routine (my modifications: 10 days level 1, one day rest. 10 days level 2, one day rest. 10 days level 3, one day rest.) I have 3 more days left of level 3 (the program) and I have seen major results. I havent lost tons of weight (maybe 3 lbs over the past 3 weeks--but I have also been experimenting with my calories and macros); I have noticed a ton of change though. WAY more definition in my arms and waist.

    I pair the 30DS with daily walks and Couch-to-5k 3 times a week. Occasioanlly I will do some yoga, too. The workout is only 20 minutes so it's good to get some more calorie burn in somehow, depending on your goals.

    I love it and I recommend it to everyone! A lot of people do get knee pain while doing the video (and I did at first, too) but you're strength really does build up ad the pain goes away. Of course, if it doesn't or you have bad knees I would ask your doctor if it's okay that you're doing a video full of squats, lungdes, jumps, etc.

    Check out some videos of it on youtube and see if you're interested.

    IMPORTANT!!: Her cool down goes WAY too fast. Make sure (especially after your first workout) to stretch longer than she does. Hold your stretches for 27-30 seconds each and add in some extra stretches for your calves, hips and back. Otherwise you'll be hating yourself the next day.
  • 759spice
    759spice Posts: 2
    I have done this workout in the past and it is good. I am starting back on it again but planning on every other day. It is best to mix up the workouts. How do you caculate the number of calories burned?
  • GaveUp
    GaveUp Posts: 308
    Anybody can do this, start slow with 5 second breaks. Don't do it everyday, Jillian doesn't mean for this to be done daily... on have completed 5 days but in 2 weeks. I am almost 50 and the only thing that bothers me with this program is my calves WOW! That is my reason for doing it every other day but I also add 5K training on the same day too and on my off days from 30 day I walk/jog 5 miles.
  • GaveUp
    GaveUp Posts: 308
    I have done this workout in the past and it is good. I am starting back on it again but planning on every other day. It is best to mix up the workouts. How do you caculate the number of calories burned?

    Circuit training 20 minutes
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    I just started level 3 today. It is a good DVD needing minimal equipment and the moves are pretty basic. It does hammer your knees a bit but the good thing is, if you find one level is hurting a certain muscle or joint you can switch it up with the other levels to reduce the pressure on your body. I think it's a good idea to alternate days or combine with extended cardio (running, elliptical, swimming etc).
  • TacoGibbons
    TacoGibbons Posts: 136 Member
    I have done this workout in the past and it is good. I am starting back on it again but planning on every other day. It is best to mix up the workouts. How do you caculate the number of calories burned?

    Most accurate way would be a HRM--I do not have one so I just take my HR (# of beats in 10 seconds x 6) every 5-7 minutes and average the numbers for a avergae HR. A lot of people use the "circuit training" option which is probably just as close. Keep in mind it's better to take your HR because the excerise will become easier from day to day meanig you'll be burning less unless you keep your HR up.
  • BattyMama
    BattyMama Posts: 136 Member
    I love it i had to stop when I broke my ankle and wrist and am looking forward to starting up again. It is a bit hard at first but as you get toned it get better then you move to the next step. :wink:
  • candycaronlee
    candycaronlee Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you everyone for the great response, I feel motivated to try it. :happy:
  • dustyhockeymom
    dustyhockeymom Posts: 537 Member
    I tried it last month and couldn't do it effectively so I decided to take a month to build up to it. I have been doing other routines with some similar moves, such as squats and lunges. I am going to start it again the first of June. My plan is to do it about three times a week with some other days of pure cardio. I don't think I could do it effectively every day.