Made to Crave

mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
edited September 27 in Motivation and Support
Just wondering if anyone out there is reading this book. "Made to Crave" by Lysa Terkerst



  • I'm reading it- great book :)
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    I'm hoping more people will find it as helpful as I am.
  • charlenekco
    charlenekco Posts: 20
    Yes, I am reading it, too...for the second time. Very good book!
  • I've read the book and I'm now teaching the Bible Study for a group of women at Curves. It's been a try eye opener.
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    I'm leading the Bible Study too. Our group is taking it a little slower than the way the DVD/Participants guide lays it out. We've been a group for more than 10 years and we want to talk about all the questions in the participants guide and the book itself.

    I do agree it is an eye opener! Much success to you!

  • janineswenson
    janineswenson Posts: 19 Member
    A friend who holds casual summer bible studies chose this book this summer. This week will be our last time meeting. I've been on MFP website off and on for over 5 years. At our first study night, I asked if anyone in the group would join me online in MFP. The two things together have made for an amazing summer. We are walking together in the mornings too, 2 of the gals are VERY dedicated to the exercise together each morning.

    God has met each of us every step of the way. Our group has been a wonderful place of support and honesty for breaking down the food idol in each of us.

    Now that summer is coming to a close, we are working on a way to continue without becoming a burdon to our fall schedules. But we need each other for accountability and encouragement. We only used the book, not the DVD or participant guide. I own those too, so I may look for a new way to continue on, working those in too. Any suggestions?

    God bless you as you continue.
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