Cardio with Achilles tendonitis?

icewyche Posts: 24 Member
edited September 27 in Fitness and Exercise
I'm trying to lose 20 pounds before a ballet intensive in August. The problem is, I've been dealing with recurring Achilles tendonitis since January, which makes walking, treadmills, and the elliptical a no-go during flare-ups. What kind of cardio can I do besides the recumbent bike?


  • antijen
    antijen Posts: 112 Member
  • mok33
    mok33 Posts: 46 Member
    I have had painful cysts in the balls of my feet, and severe problems with my heels and knees.... I tread carefully on the treadmill, taking longer strides, and higher inclines [at a slower speed] ... and use the elliptical and the recumbent bike..... rotating what I can to keep up a sweat .... good luck....
  • Adeland
    Adeland Posts: 19
    Hello there... I see you have Achilles tendonitis. Achilles tendinitis (inflammation of the tendon) was thought to be the cause of most tendon pain, until scientists discovered no evidence of inflammation. Partial and full Achilles tendon ruptures are most likely to occur in sports requiring fast stretching, such as sprinting...etc

    However, as a massage therapist. I would suggest you try a Vascular Flush to relieve any symptoms.
    When using a vascular flush, wastes and acids that cause stiffness, pain, adhesions, muscle spasm, and other myofascial
    conditions, are carried away by increased lymphatic and blood flow. Alternating application of heat and cold is called a vascular flush because the heat expands the blood vessels and the cold constricts them, causing a flushing action... therefore removing (flushing out) any built up toxins and waste... So about 5 mins of cold, then 5 of heat, then 5 of cold again... always ending with cold!!

    As for exercise... I would suggest swimming or something with a low stress on the feet.. your tendonitis won't get any better if it continues to have repeated stress on it without being treated. Try Swimming, yoga, or maybe try machines at the gym that will work your abs, thighs, glutes without putting stress on your feet.

    Take care!

  • icewyche
    icewyche Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions, everyone. Swimming really isn't an option for me - not only am I not a good swimmer, but the chlorine levels at my gym's pool aggravate my allergies (I know, I'm just full of problems, aren't I? :wink: ). Also, the gym is city-owned, so it's a more or less public pool which means groups of screaming, overexcited, splashing young's not a pleasant atmosphere for a workout, and what passes for "adult swim" takes place in the early afternoon when I'm working (it's meant more for senior citizens). I guess I'm just going to have to work on strengthening and stretching my calves so the tendonitis becomes less of an issue and I can use the machines.
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