Hello everyone!

Trying to loose as much weight as I can in 5 weeks for my holiday to America. I will also be carrying on when I get back to reach my goal weight. How much has everyone lost in the first month? X


  • ag081067
    ag081067 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Charlene

    Last year like you I had a special event and I lost 12lbs in the five weeks. The first week I lost 5lbs but that was water retention. I was extremely strict but it was worth it. I kept it off for months but over Christmas I have pigged out and put it back on. I am now motivated to start again as I have booked a holiday in Italy in August. My target weight loss is 24lbs but I am so motivated and I know I will do it again. Love this site, once you get started, its so easy. Enjoy your holiday to America.
  • BULLET9992
    BULLET9992 Posts: 53 Member
    2lb per week is what I do & I feel like its an accomplishable goal without stressing the body & slowing the metabolism, at least in my case. But I am adding muscle at the same time, so you may lose a little faster & still he healthy.
  • I'm having 1000 calories a day plus doing a little exercise. I piled on 2.5 stone when I started taking a medication over a year ago ( I have since come off of it) I lost 4lb but can't seem to shift any more. My motivation in the evening is terrible. I can't imagine wearing a bikini looking the way I do :( any tips will be very much appreciated x
  • Mary could I ask what your calorie intake was and how much exercise you did? X