gym childcare vent.....

mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
Why are all the gym childcare centers open such odd hours? Every single gym in my area that offers childcare has the same hours...

8am-12pm then 4:30pm-9pm M-F and 8am -12pm on Saturday

The easiest time for me to go would be at 12:30pm M-F, but I need childcare. Its aggravating!

I try to get there at 4:30 a couple days a week, but that greatly interferes with the after school homework, dinner, bath/shower routines for my school aged children (oldest is 7). And mornings are no good too.

Just venting.


  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,324 Member
    I went through this too so I dealt with it by joining my kids to an activity in the gym so they worked out when I did. (swimming, taekwondo, basketball etc)
  • Azexas
    Azexas Posts: 4,334 Member
    It sounds like they are open during peak hours. It's probably not cost effective for them to be open all day. I can see how its frustrating.

  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    urloved33 wrote: »
    I went through this too so I dealt with it by joining my kids to an activity in the gym so they worked out when I did. (swimming, taekwondo, basketball etc)

    I wish there was something like that available at the gym I go to but there isn' during the school year its two 7 month old boys I need care for, so it wouldn't matter anyways! During the summer though, it would definitely help with my older kids.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    The crèche at my gym only opens 9:45-11:45 am Mon-Fri to coincide with the morning classes. If my husband has to work at the weekend, I can't do a class.

    I'm still on maternity leave now but go back to work soon. On my husband's late shift week he doesn't get home until after 10pm, so I've no idea what I'll do for exercise. I have no-one to help, and the gym crèche isn't an option. At least your gym's 4:30-9 is an option, even though it would mess with dinner time/bath time etc. My only option is to leave them at the childminder's/after school club a bit longer and go to the gym straight from work.
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    Yep, I battled that same issue when my kids were little. If it was convenient for me, daycare was closed. If daycare was open, the gym was packed and I was rushing through everything because I had to cram it in during the allotted time limit.

    I eventually put a gym in my basement.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,871 Member
    edited March 2015
    Why are all the gym childcare centers open such odd hours?

    Those aren't odd hours..they are peak hours...I'm sure they've done some kind of cost/benefit analysis and determined that it isn't worth the overhead to staff a day care facility during off-peak hours.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    The afternoon/evening hours are peak hours when people come after work and need childcare since the kids are out of school.

    The morning hours are usually 8-12 pm because it's after drop-off hours for most schools (people aren't going to be in the gym when they're trying to get kids off to school) and is usually the happy awake time for most kids. It's also when a lot of classes are offered, and classes tend to draw more women than men, so they attract the stay at home mom crowd.

    Lunch/after lunch hours are uncommon, as most parents want to feed their kids lunch at home then get them down for naps. I actually worked out in the early mornings before the kids woke up because that was the only really good time that was available in my schedule, although it did get easier as they got older.
  • AmandaHugginkiss
    AmandaHugginkiss Posts: 486 Member
    That does stink. For now, maybe just pop them in a tandem running stroller and hit the pavement, I guess.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    One imagines its a business decision to cope with demand. No point paying staff if they cnat justify the expense at other time. Its a business.
  • stevesgirl824
    stevesgirl824 Posts: 74 Member
    I also wish the gym childcare was open in the early afternoon, since my 3 year old has outgrown naps. It would be super convenient, since I work in the morning sometimes and after school we are busy with homework and dinner stuff.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    I belong to the Equinox and take 7:30 classes a few mornings a week. I see the childcare open then.
  • TAMayorga
    TAMayorga Posts: 341 Member
    You didn't say if you're lifting or doing a class. Depending on finances, maybe you could get a couple of exercise dvds or set up a home gym like dracarys. Or hit the pavement with a good stroller like Amanda suggested. It is hard with kids, but you're setting a good example for them. Good luck.
  • XxQueenMxX
    XxQueenMxX Posts: 683 Member
    Sounds like my gym. But tbh, if you want to do it you gotta make it work. Go at 430 for 1 hr or so, there is still plenty of time for dinner or homework. Assuming your kids dont do it right after school to get it over with. I get off work at 5 pm drive 1 hr pick up kids at day care then go to gym for 1- 1.5 hrs every day. Then go feed them dinner. Sh
  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    That does stink. For now, maybe just pop them in a tandem running stroller and hit the pavement, I guess.

    This is what I do on days I can't get there, but i cant lift at home - no room. i do occasionally do bodyweight exercises, but i like to lift heavy.
  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    edited March 2015
    Mayra726 wrote: »
    Sounds like my gym. But tbh, if you want to do it you gotta make it work. Go at 430 for 1 hr or so, there is still plenty of time for dinner or homework. Assuming your kids dont do it right after school to get it over with. I get off work at 5 pm drive 1 hr pick up kids at day care then go to gym for 1- 1.5 hrs every day. Then go feed them dinner. Sh

    My school kids are home at 3, do homework immediately - usually until 3:45/4. dinner at 5, baths from 6-7 (have to do 4 of them in a row), then bed at 7. 4:30 pushed everything back by an hour, which results in crabby kids in the morning.

    I also won't go before they wake up....I'm still up between 5-6xs a night with one kid or another (and have been since the 7 year old was born, lol) not missing any sleep i can get, lol!

    My kids are 7, 5.5, 4 and 7 months.

    to reiterate, I DO get to the gym a few days a week. I was just venting and I *wish* they had better hours (for me).
  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    TAMayorga wrote: »
    You didn't say if you're lifting or doing a class. Depending on finances, maybe you could get a couple of exercise dvds or set up a home gym like dracarys. Or hit the pavement with a good stroller like Amanda suggested. It is hard with kids, but you're setting a good example for them. Good luck.

    lifting. I generally run outside for cardio - either with a running stroller or after my husband is home.

    We don't have room for a home gym. There are 7 of us, 3 adults and 4 kids (plus I watch a second infant during the day for a friend of mine) in 900sq ft with no basement or garage (or other unfinished but serviceable) space. Every square inch of this house is used, lol!

    I do body weight stuff when it is impossible for me to get to the gym, but I like to lift heavy and for that - I need to be at the gym.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    mkakids wrote: »
    Mayra726 wrote: »
    Sounds like my gym. But tbh, if you want to do it you gotta make it work. Go at 430 for 1 hr or so, there is still plenty of time for dinner or homework. Assuming your kids dont do it right after school to get it over with. I get off work at 5 pm drive 1 hr pick up kids at day care then go to gym for 1- 1.5 hrs every day. Then go feed them dinner. Sh

    My school kids are home at 3, do homework immediately - usually until 3:45/4. dinner at 5, baths from 6-7 (have to do 4 of them in a row), then bed at 7. 4:30 pushed everything back by an hour, which results in crabby kids in the morning.

    I also won't go before they wake up....I'm still up between 5-6xs a night with one kid or another (and have been since the 7 year old was born, lol) not missing any sleep i can get, lol!

    My kids are 7, 5.5, 4 and 7 months.

    Similar to mine, except I don't have the 7 year old. Mine are 5 (6 in June), 3 (4 in May) and 10 months.

    When I go back to work my eldest will be going to after school club, and my youngest 2 will be at a childminder's. I'm a teacher so do finish at 3, but one day a week we have a meeting until 5:15, so I can't collect my kids until 5:30ish. It's such a rush to get home, do dinner, baths bed etc. If I can get out just after 3 then I can go to gym say 3:30-4:30 which isn't too bad.

  • XxQueenMxX
    XxQueenMxX Posts: 683 Member
    mkakids wrote: »
    Mayra726 wrote: »
    Sounds like my gym. But tbh, if you want to do it you gotta make it work. Go at 430 for 1 hr or so, there is still plenty of time for dinner or homework. Assuming your kids dont do it right after school to get it over with. I get off work at 5 pm drive 1 hr pick up kids at day care then go to gym for 1- 1.5 hrs every day. Then go feed them dinner. Sh

    My school kids are home at 3, do homework immediately - usually until 3:45/4. dinner at 5, baths from 6-7 (have to do 4 of them in a row), then bed at 7. 4:30 pushed everything back by an hour, which results in crabby kids in the morning.

    I also won't go before they wake up....I'm still up between 5-6xs a night with one kid or another (and have been since the 7 year old was born, lol) not missing any sleep i can get, lol!

    My kids are 7, 5.5, 4 and 7 months.

    to reiterate, I DO get to the gym a few days a week. I was just venting and I *wish* they had better hours (for me).

    I totally get you trust me. That sounds like a workout already! Haha. I would suggest Jillian Michaels 30 day shred to do at home then, and go jogging with the baby or power walking.

  • 30mphmike
    30mphmike Posts: 28
    Some of the best leg workouts I have ever had my son was sitting on my shoulders laughing while I did I asked my gym owner why he didn't have child care on Sunday's and his response was " No other gyms do why should I"? I said " You can corner the Market" he was to stupid to understand!!
  • questionfear
    questionfear Posts: 527 Member
    Can you talk to your gym about adding another childcare shift or two? If there's enough moms looking for a midday child watch maybe they can offer it 1-2x a week. Never hurts to ask!