A carb controlled diet

CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
I would like at first get my net carbs to 100 net carbs a day for a start then go to 75 net carbs a day. till I get it where i am happy with it. I need a lot of help.


  • deathtaco
    deathtaco Posts: 237
    Why so low on carbs? Are you attempting a ketogenic diet or something?
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I follow a LC lifestyle and my diary is public if you need some ideas & encouragement :)
  • SMJohnson27
    SMJohnson27 Posts: 146 Member
    That is what I started recently. I set my diary to 100 and after several weeks, to 75. I have found after a few weeks, it becomes easier. I can now eat A LOT and keep it under 75.

    There is a thread- No grain...No pain, with like minded people who are doing the same.
  • tryinghard2012
    tryinghard2012 Posts: 419 Member
    Not to knock anyone, but if people who eat a balanced meal daily which include carbs (fruit, veggies and some whole grains) manage to lose weight and be healthy and fit- why do these kind of diets exist?

    Carbs are a necessity. Your body needs them to function. Vital organs such as your heart and brain, rely on them.

    I'm a living example that eating rice, bread, fruit, veggies and other whole grains, do not fracture your ability to lose weight.

    Everything must be done in moderation.

    Enjoy your rice :happy:
  • feelinghappy1
    feelinghappy1 Posts: 5 Member
    I did this. I slowly lowered my carbs to be between 120-130 a day by reducing carbs in bread and pasta. I started making open face sandwiches and measuring my servings of pasta & rice. I do eat the carbs from whole foods like steamed vege's and fresh or frozen fruit. I also added more fish to my diet. It did help move my weight loss off a plateau and in the right direction. Best wishes. You can do it.
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    I do low carb, feel free to add me as a friend, and my diary too is open. Alot of people are judgemental of this way of eating, just keep doing what your doing. It's a wonderful way to eat.
  • david081
    david081 Posts: 489 Member
    I tried an ultra low carb diet, but I exercise a lot, and just lost the energy. I eat good, complex carbs now in moderation and my energy levels are a lot higher. I'd like to hear from people on no/low carb diets that can run say 10 miles comfortably, or burn say 1000+ a day.. I couldn't do it.
  • ncqueenbee
    ncqueenbee Posts: 147 Member
    I too am on a carb controlled diet/lifestyle. I have my dairy set for 120 carbs per day. If I go over a few I don't sweat it. I find that my weight is easier to control when I eat more protiens and healthy fats. I do incorporated pleanty of veggies, fruits and whole grains in my diet, but I do eat more protein than carbs.

    I also do this because I have a family history of diabetis and have had gestational diebeties when pregnant with my son, which also puts me at risk later in life. My doctor has approved that a diet lower in carbs helps to lower my risk of getting diabeties in the future.
  • iheartralphie
    iheartralphie Posts: 104 Member
    I have mine set to 40% (90g before workouts add to that). I cut out white breads, pasta and white rice for the most part, but if I do have a portion once in awhile, or if I go over my carbs due to fruits or veggies, I don't worry about it. I look at those carbs completely differently than the starch carbs :)
  • Fat2FitChick
    Fat2FitChick Posts: 451 Member
    The person said LOW CARB, not NO CARB. Our bodies don't need an excess of over 100g of carbs per day from grains and breads. Just because you can eat them doesn't mean you should. Carbs from grains and breads in excess can cause bloating in the belly and can also cause problems with blood sugar. Just because you got to your weight loss goals eating carbs doesn't mean others want to. What works for you may not work for others. Carbs are needed in your diet but they don't have to be from grains, carbs from your fruits and veggies are enough for your body.
    Not to knock anyone, but if people who eat a balanced meal daily which include carbs (fruit, veggies and some whole grains) manage to lose weight and be healthy and fit- why do these kind of diets exist?

    Carbs are a necessity. Your body needs them to function. Vital organs such as your heart and brain, rely on them.

    I'm a living example that eating rice, bread, fruit, veggies and other whole grains, do not fracture your ability to lose weight.

    Everything must be done in moderation.

    Enjoy your rice :happy:
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    Hi Calie(Marie)! :flowerforyou: I do lots of veggie and meat dishes. I chop all my veggies usually celery, squash (yellow and zucchini) onion, and whatever others I want to add and saute with chicken in some olive oil. You can season it however you want to make either Italian or Mexican. For breakfast I usually have omelets or protein powder in my coffee sometimes a combo. Lunch I like salads with nitrate free lunch meats and a good dressing like blue cheese. I started at keeping carbs under 100 then dropped to 50 and most days get about that and a little less in effective carbs.

    To those of you who think balanced diets are the ONLY way to live and that we are all strange for low carb dieting, I have to tell you my/obese people's history. I started at 8lbs 12 oz when I was born, and when I was 5 was up to 150. My highest weight was 535 pounds. I have a body like many/most obese adults that does not handle sugar as well as normal bodies. Before you jump to the conclusion that I sat and ate sugar all day, ANY carb whether it be brown rice, whole grain, or cookies, turns to sugar in the blood stream and raises the level of insulin output. If your body processes this sugar like it should, it puts out just enough insulin to process what you ate, it uses what sugar it needs and then releases what is stored later for energy. A body like mine and most obese people's bodies, does not do this correctly. At the least amount of grain, whole or otherwise, the body dumps insulin into the blood stream in an amount that is way more than is needed to process the carb consumed. This starts a cycle because the body cannot deal with excess insulin in the blood stream so it encourages you to eat more carb to use this excess insulin. Even if you do not eat this extra sugar, the body will never release stored energy because it cannot as long as that excess insulin is present because insulin is a storage hormone so I/we obese people keep storing and never release energy that is already stored. Now if I cut the carbs and only eat the healthy vegetables and fruits filled with fiber that we refer to as low carb, my body stops dumping the extra insulin into my blood stream and I/we are able to finally get to the stored sugars. So really we do not need to eat the sugar/carbs because we already have them stored in our bodies. When we get closer to goal weight or a normal weight we can then increase the carbs since we will need them because we have none stored. Hope this helps your understanding of why some people HAVE to eat low carb to lose weight.
  • 1FITmamaofTWINS
    I'm going to keep my mouth quiet on this one..... low carb diets ARE not the way to go, but then again some people dont even know the different types of carbs.... such as VEGGIES. YES THEY ARE CARBS...

    its more so a question of what types of carbs and how much for your body.. what works for one person wont work for another.
  • DianaPowerUp
    DianaPowerUp Posts: 518 Member
    Feel free to look at my diary. I try to keep my carbs at about 100 gm/day. Lately, I've been a bit naughty....and forget today! Today is a designated "rest" day for me! But most of the time, it's lots of veggies, with lots of protein. Most of my homemade meals (unfort. you can't "see" what's in my spaghetti sauce, for ex.), are full of just veggies and protein.

    Breakfast is usu. eggs/bacon or greek yogurt with a little kashi (if I know I'll have a cardio workout)
    Lunch is usu. a large green salad (usu. spinach), with walnuts, feta, some dried cranberries, and turkey breast on the side
    Dinner is whatever I felt like cooking, but like I said - heavy on the meat and veggies, a little starch for the kiddos and hubby
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I think the giant turn-off is when anyone proclaims that their way is the ONLY way. That all others are WRONG.

    I choose what I perceive to be higher-quality carbs, and because they are calorie dense, I choose to eat less of them than other stuff. I pick whole grain over bleached white, I choose fruit more often than I choose processed refined sugar. This is working really well for me. That said, sometimes I do want a big sugary piece of cake, and I'm not going to live the rest of my life denying myself that ability. The most important thing MFP has taught me is to be aware of what I'm eating. So on the day I do have that piece of cake, I'm going to increase my exercise, and I'm not going to also indulge in a big steak or cocktails as well.

    I just REALLY dislike the almost religious fervor some people work themselves up to...saying things like "it's NEVER ok to have a soda(even diet!)/sugar/grains/carbs!" is utterly ridiculous to my way of thinking. And I believe it causes others to be discouraged. New MFP users are learning about how to have a healthy relationship with food. If they hear the message, "you are a failure because you ate a brownie" they are more likely to leave this wonderful site. THAT'S the real tragedy, IMHO.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,130 Member
  • NYGoddess77
    NYGoddess77 Posts: 146 Member
    Hello all. I follow the Paleo Diet (no grains what so ever) and yes I am in Ketosis ( 50g or less carbs and 30g or less sugar) 6 days out of the week. This will get your body to use it's OWN FAT STORES as energy. On the 7th day I eat unlimited carbs ( about 150g+ )and sugar (100g)...but I stick to my lifestyle ( No Grains or anything made from them )
    I eat a high fat, moderate protein and low carb diet. I don't have metabolic disorders but, this lifestyle is excellent for diabetics and people with kidney disease. I am always satisfied and never hungry like I use to be (about 1 - 2 hrs after a meal of high glycemix grains :-)
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Hello all. I follow the Paleo Diet (no grains what so ever) and yes I am in Ketosis ( 50g or less carbs and 30g or less sugar) 6 days out of the week. This will get your body to use it's OWN FAT STORES as energy. On the 7th day I eat unlimited carbs ( about 150g+ )and sugar (100g)...but I stick to my lifestyle ( No Grains or anything made from them )
    I eat a high fat, moderate protein and low carb diet. I don't have metabolic disorders but, this lifestyle is excellent for diabetics and people with kidney disease. I am always satisfied and never hungry like I use to be (about 1 - 2 hrs after a meal of high glycemix grains :-)

    I think I just fell in love with you a little!
  • NYGoddess77
    NYGoddess77 Posts: 146 Member
    See theres people here that just want to lose weight and that's it. There's people here that want to take care of their over-all health and their bodies from the inside out starting on the cellular level. This may be too technical for people or it may not be. When u say having a soda you can do that if u want. Soda is high fructose corn syrup and chemical crap. Yes you can have as many soda's as you want and still lose weight. If u are an active person. But I know what it does to my body in the long run. Gluten is no friend to anyone no matter if u have the tolerance for it or not.
    I can show people how to make those same awesome treats that they love: Cakes, Cookies, Brownies, Pizza all of that...GRAIN/GLUTEN free. Hit me up if your interested :-)
    Yes people say that our bodies don't recognize the HFCS from Evap. Cane Juice. That's nonsense. Thats like saying your car doesn't recognize regular gas from premium.

    Veggies are the only form of carbs I consume. A abundance of fruit (usually on my treat day) and what ever carbs nuts & seeds have naturally. Anyone can feel free to take a look at my diary. My cholesterol was 235 six months ago. It is now 177. Fats are the best fuel for the body because they have no effect on blood sugar and insulin production. The body's organs especially the brain need fats for optimal health.
    When we eat carbs (veggie or grain) they get broken down into the simplest form of sugar GLUCOSE. The low glycemic (complex) carbs take longer to get broken down (those are the best). Our pancreas has to produce insulin to move the glucose out of the blood. It does this in 3 ways. #1 It acts as the GATE KEEPER of the cells. It unlocks the cells and allows the glucose to enter. The cells can only utilize a certain amount of glucose at a time.
    When the cells get their fill of glucose...the next job of Insulin #2 is to store about 70g of glucose in our liver and muscles as glycogen (fight or flight response).
    #3 the excess glucose gets stored as fat. INSULIN is a storing hormone nothing more. It's job is to get sugar out of the blood. People need to eat low glycemic complex carbs (veggies) that have all the vitamins, minerals and FIBER our bodies need. There's no way a person can eat a grain carb at every meal and be low in carbs(100g or less) especially processed crap. Put it this way...the more high glycemic carbs a person eats the more active they have to be.
    If you are and active person that does excessive exercises or always on the move...you can afford to consume 150+ carbs. But, if you are like me...with moderate to low activity or even sedentary lol (workout for 20 min or less a day)...you cannot afford to be consuming 100+ carbs a day.
    My Opinion nothing more :-)
  • NYGoddess77
    NYGoddess77 Posts: 146 Member
    But, if you are like me...with moderate to low activity or even sedentary lol (workout for 20 min or less a day)...you cannot afford to be consuming 100+ carbs a day.
    My Opinion nothing more :-)

    Thats if you have body fat to lose. If u are already at your optimal weight...you can maintain it with moderate carb levels :-)
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    Hi Calie(Marie)! :flowerforyou: I do lots of veggie and meat dishes. I chop all my veggies usually celery, squash (yellow and zucchini) onion, and whatever others I want to add and saute with chicken in some olive oil. You can season it however you want to make either Italian or Mexican. For breakfast I usually have omelets or protein powder in my coffee sometimes a combo. Lunch I like salads with nitrate free lunch meats and a good dressing like blue cheese. I started at keeping carbs under 100 then dropped to 50 and most days get about that and a little less in effective carbs.

    To those of you who think balanced diets are the ONLY way to live and that we are all strange for low carb dieting, I have to tell you my/obese people's history. I started at 8lbs 12 oz when I was born, and when I was 5 was up to 150. My highest weight was 535 pounds. I have a body like many/most obese adults that does not handle sugar as well as normal bodies. Before you jump to the conclusion that I sat and ate sugar all day, ANY carb whether it be brown rice, whole grain, or cookies, turns to sugar in the blood stream and raises the level of insulin output. If your body processes this sugar like it should, it puts out just enough insulin to process what you ate, it uses what sugar it needs and then releases what is stored later for energy. A body like mine and most obese people's bodies, does not do this correctly. At the least amount of grain, whole or otherwise, the body dumps insulin into the blood stream in an amount that is way more than is needed to process the carb consumed. This starts a cycle because the body cannot deal with excess insulin in the blood stream so it encourages you to eat more carb to use this excess insulin. Even if you do not eat this extra sugar, the body will never release stored energy because it cannot as long as that excess insulin is present because insulin is a storage hormone so I/we obese people keep storing and never release energy that is already stored. Now if I cut the carbs and only eat the healthy vegetables and fruits filled with fiber that we refer to as low carb, my body stops dumping the extra insulin into my blood stream and I/we are able to finally get to the stored sugars. So really we do not need to eat the sugar/carbs because we already have them stored in our bodies. When we get closer to goal weight or a normal weight we can then increase the carbs since we will need them because we have none stored. Hope this helps your understanding of why some people HAVE to eat low carb to lose weight.

    awesome simple terms to explain what happens