i have that urge...HELP!

i have the urge to eat just for the sake of eating.........i've had a lovely roast dinner at mums today for lunch, just had a few crackers now with dairylea light on for my tea (well more of a snack) but now i have the urge just to carry on eating for the sake of eating, i did so well in my first week, lost 6lbs, and really don't want to ruin a good beginning, please help and tell me not to eat anymore


  • createdbyGod
    have a nice cup of tea or coffee. or try jelly no added sugar (only 3 calories:-)).
  • Diana061
    Diana061 Posts: 118 Member
    Dont do it !!!!!!!!!! Stay here and read success stories til the urge passes !
  • createdbyGod
    you can do it. we all have urges, ups and downs,.we believe in you. thank you for coming here for support;-)
  • ChristinaRamos
    Get a giant glass of water and start drinking! AND find something to do, you sound bored!!
  • nmterp
    nmterp Posts: 74
    Drink a couple of glasses of water, that hungry feeling will likely go away. If not, try a piece of low cal gum and find something to keep your mind busy.
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I agree with ChristinaRamos. You sound bored! Whenever I feel like eating for the sake of eating, it's usually because I'm bored. Now, if it's a craving... Well, that's a whole other story.

    Anyways... Occupy yourself! I cleaned the house for three hours yesterday to keep myself from eating. I didn't even think about food once! I turned on the radio and cleaned, cleaned, cleaned. And when I was done cleaning? I did an exercise video. Keep yourself busy! Go for a walk, watch a movie, stay on MFP and chat it up, play a card game, do an exercise video, read a book, watch tv (better yet, watch tv while jogging in place and doing jumping jacks during commercial breaks).
  • Misskathryn00
    Misskathryn00 Posts: 47 Member
    i think that's what it is, i'm just bored, not actually hungry, been busy all day (including dog walking for over 2 hours) and now i'm just sat on the sofa..........hhhmmmm what to do??????
  • mrsfeuer
    mrsfeuer Posts: 69 Member
    Yesterday was a rough day for me because I didn't properly space out my meals and snacks and I ended up VERY hungry and that resulted in binge thoughts and feelings. "I'm just going to eat, I'm so hungry." It's hard to pull through it, but I was able to. I had a bottle of water and just pushed through until dinner was ready. You can do it!