Weight loss struggle

Hi all...I'm in need of some advice. About two years ago I decided it was time to lose weight and get healthy. I had a lot of success and lost 60 pounds, I was in the best shape of my life. A little over a year ago I started gaining weight back and have now gained about 25 pounds back. I just can't get rid of it. I'll get motivated, workout hard for about a week and eat right then I just get burnt out and tired and can't make myself do it anymore. For the past couple days I've had an endless appetite and can't seem to stop eating! Does anyone have any advice for me?? I feel stuck and its taking its toll on me. Thanks in advance!


  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Did you have your calories set too low? Your diary is private. Make sure you aren't being too aggressive with your deficit. Get plenty of protein, fiber and healthy fats so you're not hungry all the time. Don't try and do everything at once - if you're going gung ho and starving yourself and spending hours in the gym it won't be sustainable and you'll burn out quickly.
  • overin2015
    overin2015 Posts: 94 Member
    You have more success than I do in this area but I am going to encourage you anyway. You are still at a good spot. Find a number of calories that you are comfortable with and lose at that level even if its a half pound to 1 pound a week. This will decrease the stress and make it seem more enjoyable and worthwhile. You probably learned the first time that it is a day by day journey. You can't lose it all in one day and you have to mentally take on all the challenges that each day brings. You can do this. The 25 pounds won't go away overnight but maybe by adjusting your lifestyle to something doable you can see why it was that you gained in the first place. Tomorrow you don't have to weigh what you did today. Same goes for everyday. One day at a time.

    An aside with this crazy weather - Also check your Vit D levels because that can really mess up your motivation if they are low. Easy to take even 2000mg and be feeling more energy so you can want to lose it.
  • valkoffe41
    Possibly trying a weightloss pill might help! I've heard of a lot of success using quadralean or lipo 6 to lose the last few pounds. Maybe integrating some coffee between meals would also curb hunger.

    Personally, when I'm craving something salty/sweet, I eat mozzarella cheese sticks from frigo, they are only 50 calories and had a semi salty/richer taste, so it helps me handle my cravings for chips/fried foods. When I'm craving sweets, I'll eat a handful of raspberries. I think the fact that they are 1) semi expensive and 2) rarely in my fridge makes them a sweet delicacy when on a strict diet, plus they are only 60 calories a cup!

  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    valkoffe41 wrote: »
    Possibly trying a weightloss pill might help! I've heard of a lot of success using quadralean or lipo 6 to lose the last few pounds. Maybe integrating some coffee between meals would also curb hunger.

    Personally, when I'm craving something salty/sweet, I eat mozzarella cheese sticks from frigo, they are only 50 calories and had a semi salty/richer taste, so it helps me handle my cravings for chips/fried foods. When I'm craving sweets, I'll eat a handful of raspberries. I think the fact that they are 1) semi expensive and 2) rarely in my fridge makes them a sweet delicacy when on a strict diet, plus they are only 60 calories a cup!

    You don't even how what or how much OP is eating and your first advice is "Try an unproven diet pill." Sounds legit.
  • DaniCanadian
    DaniCanadian Posts: 261 Member
    I'd say everything in moderation. Don't go crazy hardcore with the workouts and don't go super healthy/low calorie on the nutrition. I used to do that and it just wasn't sustainable. I'd say try for half an hour of a cardio you like a day and maybe 2 or 3 strength type workouts a week. Slow and steady and increase if you feel like it but being a healthy weight shouldn't be an all or nothing adventure.
  • valecia09
    valecia09 Posts: 2 Member

    I haven't tracked my calories in quite some, but I am going to try and start doing that again.
    When I first list all the weight I started by walking then gradually got into running and had good results from the 30 day shred. I'm trying to start my 5k program again as well as the 30 day shred. I did good for about a week and decided to take a rest day. The next day I tried to workout and I just felt fatigued and not sure why. I definitely have not been starving myself, I've been eating lots of lean protein and what not. Since then I just have lost my motivation and crave junk food all day. I'm trying so hard to resist but I'm struggling and getting so frustrated!
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    valkoffe41 wrote: »
    Possibly trying a weightloss pill might help! I've heard of a lot of success using quadralean or lipo 6 to lose the last few pounds. Maybe integrating some coffee between meals would also curb hunger.

    Personally, when I'm craving something salty/sweet, I eat mozzarella cheese sticks from frigo, they are only 50 calories and had a semi salty/richer taste, so it helps me handle my cravings for chips/fried foods. When I'm craving sweets, I'll eat a handful of raspberries. I think the fact that they are 1) semi expensive and 2) rarely in my fridge makes them a sweet delicacy when on a strict diet, plus they are only 60 calories a cup!

    Disregard this crap OP.
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    valecia09 wrote: »
    Hi all...I'm in need of some advice. About two years ago I decided it was time to lose weight and get healthy. I had a lot of success and lost 60 pounds, I was in the best shape of my life. A little over a year ago I started gaining weight back and have now gained about 25 pounds back. I just can't get rid of it. I'll get motivated, workout hard for about a week and eat right then I just get burnt out and tired and can't make myself do it anymore. For the past couple days I've had an endless appetite and can't seem to stop eating! Does anyone have any advice for me?? I feel stuck and its taking its toll on me. Thanks in advance!

    First – congrats on that initial 60 lb loss.

    Second – congrats on catching yourself without regaining everything.

    That mental barrier can be a tough nut to crack.

    I’d likely commit to logging every day and staying in my target range (CICO) for a given period of time hoping my control would return …

    Wish you the best.

  • Briargrey
    Briargrey Posts: 498 Member
    Hey, you caught yourself before you gained it all back, so that's great! Don't wait to 'get motivated' or whatever - just decide to do it. But make it slow, steady, and sustainable. My problem before now was that I would decide, be motivated, cut out everything, buy everything I saw as 'healthy', eat hardly any calories, and work out like a mad woman. And within two weeks, I was miserable and bitchy and falling off the wagon because nothing I did was sustainable. Once I even lost 80 pounds back in 2001 --- I gained it all back and then some extra because I'm an overachiever that way. ;)

    This time, it's been slower and everything I did was with the mindset of "this is forever, so nothing is off limits, but I just need to moderate and control myself." Two years in, down from 291 to 165 with a slight uptick to 168 over the last 6 months as I slacked off a bit (but not like I did in the old days - I truly did make this sustainable). Basically, my slacking off really was more just being tired and eating at maintenance instead of at a deficit, and I kept my exercising up. Had I done that a month or two into my journey, I'd've probably failed (again), but because I took everything slow - I learned how to figure out my weak points, bolster them up, play to my strengths, and above all - stop making excuses for myself and just commit to doing it.
  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    It's only a struggle when we make it a struggle, right?

    Change your mind. Change your life.

    Easy Peasy.