
c4297 Posts: 33 Member
Since i have started on mfp i have noticed that when i eat something greasy ( like i used to more often; now i really dont) i get really sick. Does anyone else feel like that?? I was just noticing that a while ago and was interested to knwo if anyone feels like that (: Luck to everyone!


  • Tzavush
    Tzavush Posts: 389 Member
    Or I take a bite of something (like the tiny bite I took of hubby's cheeseburger from Mc'D's ) and it tastes like a big ball of lard in my mouth. I can't even stomach the taste anymore!!
  • ChristinaRamos
    OH YES!!!! It happens!! I get sick every single time I eat out, so I don't anymore! Also saves a TON of money!!
  • azlady7
    azlady7 Posts: 471 Member
    yup! i avoid it all costs now :)
  • karenkwalker
    karenkwalker Posts: 155 Member
    Same for me - that's a blessing though - makes it easier to not be tempted - don't want to feel bad - not worth it!
  • milanks
    milanks Posts: 122
    Yes! It has been a lot of fun(?) discovering how many of my old favorite foods are actually pretty gross tasting, now that my taste buds have been spoiled by all the truly tasty healthy stuff.
  • c4297
    c4297 Posts: 33 Member
    Well It really is a blessing ! :) Good luck everyone !!