Hello. I have fallen off the wagon.

Hello. I am the heaviest I have ever been. Yesterday a 6 year old boy told me he was going to wrap me up and throw me in the oven for thanksgiving because I am fat like a turkey. Then to add insult to injury my sister said you're not fat like a turkey more like a marshmallow. My denial has come to light. Today is the first day back on the track to get :\ healthy. Wish me luck.


  • prettygirlstorm1
    prettygirlstorm1 Posts: 721 Member
    Welcome and good luck. I am also the heaviest I have been and need to lose about 30 pounds. You can do it!!! Feel free to add me as a friend and we can support each other!!
  • GypsyByTheSea
    GypsyByTheSea Posts: 529 Member
    The thing that made the difference for me was just this: Stop telling yourself you have fallen off a wagon. Quit starting over and just keep going. The most successful people on MFP are the ones that realize we are changing bad habits (which takes time and patience), we are learning new things about nutrition and health ( which takes time and patience), we will make mistakes, so, being perfect is not going to happen. Get up every day and just keep going. Best of luck.
  • JohnBarth
    JohnBarth Posts: 672 Member
    I agree with the other sentiments about not "falling off the wagon" and beating yourself up over being on/off and that merry-go-round cycle. While insulting, the comments about a Thanksgiving turkey or a marshmallow will end up being something you can use as motivation as you begin on this journey. When people ask how I've been successful in the weight that I've lost, it's often, "What diet are you on?" I've made it a mission to vigorously defend not being on a "diet" as much as I'm now living my life in regard to fitness as I should have all along.

    When you're on a diet, you're either on or off. If you make changes to your lifestyle, it can become the new, non-turkey, non-marshmallow YOU.
  • smh21183
    smh21183 Posts: 10 Member
    I can relate! One of my students, just today, told me I should get those pants that hold your tummy in! Talk about a wake-up call! Sometimes we need the harsh words to motivate us. I am hoping to find that through my super honest student....

    Good Luck to you!
  • rangertrav
    rangertrav Posts: 4 Member
    You can do it stay strong.

    To really maximize you chances for success spend the time and energy to research how the body works and how different categories of food get broken down and what our bodies do with that.

    I thought i knew what healthy food was when i first started my weight loss and well compared to what i use to eat yes it was healthy so i lost weight but eventually i stoped lossing weight even tho i was sticking to my diet and exercise plan. Then i consulted a dietitian and she explaied that i was about half correct in my way of thinking and thats why i lost weight at first but then stopped.

    If you can afford it (much cheaper then i thought) i highly recommended consulting a dietitian so that you can hit the grounf with all the knowledge and tools possible to have as much stainable success as soon and as long as possible
  • rockstarginaa
    rockstarginaa Posts: 1,529 Member
    Yikes, people can be so cruel. Shake it off since no one needs negative energy like that floating around their head. Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • adcini
    adcini Posts: 14 Member
    I agree with the others. You never fell, especially since you've recognized it and you're getting back on track. You tripped. Everyone trips. Now you've caught yourself and you're moving on. There's a big difference been tripping and falling! Glad to hear that you're going to keep on going. And to hell with the comments about your size! No one needs to hear that, especially from your family!
  • adfw71
    adfw71 Posts: 6
    Hello and welcome!
    I agree with all others. don't be to hard on yourself when you stumble. Learn from it and move forward...try remember you are NOT dieting but learning how to live a healthier and more balanced life. Personally, I believe you have to work on the inside and the outside together in order to succeed. I have incorporated prayer as well as daily meditation into my program. It helps me focus all my energy on my goals and exactly why I am trying to live a healthier more balanced life.
    I am 30 lbs heavier than ever after a hysterectomy 2 years ago. Today is my 2 day and I am doing a very low calorie plan for a week to hopefully jump start my loss and help motivate me...please feel free to add me as I would love to help motivate you and hopefully myself in process. I believe in you but it is most important you believe in yourself.. Amanda
  • shdavis1980
    shdavis1980 Posts: 3 Member
    wow! let that negative energy fuel you! i have fallen off the wagon also. The only thing to do is pick back up and keep going! Good luck
  • Flycosmos
    Flycosmos Posts: 6 Member
    vada44 wrote: »
    Welcome and good luck. I am also the heaviest I have been and need to lose about 30 pounds. You can do it!!! Feel free to add me as a friend and we can support each other!!

    Hello, today is my first day back and I would like to lose 30 pounds as well. how do I befriend you for support and motivation? Fly

  • XxNataleighXx
    XxNataleighXx Posts: 46 Member
    Stay strong hunni, ive been on here a week now and are kfc today! Feel super crap for doing it :( I lack motivation for sure and just think il fail either way! Terrible way to think! I'm sure your strong and confident, you can do it! Feel free to add me (anyone) xx
  • lesliewalker108
    lesliewalker108 Posts: 61 Member
    welcome back and just you admitting you need to get back on the wagon is good. We all mess up and nobody is perfect especially with the candy , cakes, ice cream ,pizza, donuts, and fried chicken( oops sounds so good sorry) , we have to fight temptation every day. I get to eat my junk but in small amounts and then I make sure I work out , its as simple as that.
  • MindySaysWhaaat
    MindySaysWhaaat Posts: 401 Member
    My fiance once told me jokingly that I looked like the marshmallow man from Ghostbusters. We both understand each other's humor, so I knew he wasn't truly being a jerk, and I wasn't hurt by it.

    When I started this on Jan 2nd, I was also at my highest weight after having fallen off the wagon (a few times...) Just try to keep positive and take it one day at a time. Don't beat yourself up. You can do this :)