Completely frustrated and don't know what to do!!

I've only lost 7 pounds in a month and a half. I'm eating within my calorie goal majority of the time, and though my workouts have been sporadic for the past week and a half, I've been hitting the gym. I am not willing to give up, I'm just frustrated that the weight is not coming off. I started at 228 and I thought for sure by cutting my cals I would lose a bit faster. Help!!!


  • crazymama2two
    crazymama2two Posts: 867
    a month and a half is six weeks.

    you've lost seven pounds.

    you're losing an average of 1.something,something,something a week.

    this is amazing.

    its not a race. dont talk yourself out of your journey.
  • Nataliethin81
    Nataliethin81 Posts: 315
    7 lbs in one month is REALLY good. That is almost 2lbs a week. I don't know why you're frustrated? At that weight loss number I would be thrilled.

    Noticed you said 6 weeks, not a month. Oops. Still that is an average of at least 1 lb a week which is a HEALTHY weight loss. Just keep at it.
  • bethanna91
    bethanna91 Posts: 63
    I don't know, I guess I'm expecting too much?
  • mfreeby
    mfreeby Posts: 199 Member
    I'm right there with you. It's super frustrating when you are working hard at losing weight and the scale doesn't move. The only thing that helps me is way back when I started I used a piece of string to do my waist and hip measurements. Then, over the last year or so I've remarked it but never cut it that way I can see my progress, even though I've only lost 13 pounds in a year! So, if the scale doesn't move, sometimes the measurements change which can be that teeny bit of reward that keeps you going. Keep at it! After all, it's your health that is important right!
  • staciekins
    staciekins Posts: 453 Member
    Why are you frustrated? That is a healthy loss progress. That's an average of a lb a week. If you want to lose quicker, maybe change your goal. Make sure you eat your exercise cals and integrate strength training and cardio
  • mfreeby
    mfreeby Posts: 199 Member
    I'm right there with you. It's super frustrating when you are working hard at losing weight and the scale doesn't move. The only thing that helps me is way back when I started I used a piece of string to do my waist and hip measurements. Then, over the last year or so I've remarked it but never cut it that way I can see my progress, even though I've only lost 13 pounds in a year! So, if the scale doesn't move, sometimes the measurements change which can be that teeny bit of reward that keeps you going. Keep at it! After all, it's your health that is important right!
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    People on this board have said this before, but it's worth repeating;

    It took years for you to get to where you are; why would you think it will be reversed in a few months?

    This is a long haul kind of an endeavor, stay focused and motivated, and it will happen!
  • coconutstino
  • meshellw
    meshellw Posts: 50 Member
    Personally I am more concerned with loosing inches. Have you noticed any inches lost? Sometimes its better for me anyway to see progress in inches.
  • FaithandFitness
    FaithandFitness Posts: 653 Member
    You are doing a great job, keep in mind that the slower pace of your weight loss is the healthy way to go, and in the long run it will be easier to keep off. Sorry you are frustrated. Those lbs take a lot of convincing to hit the road!
  • SaraTonin
    SaraTonin Posts: 551 Member
    1 pound a week is what doctors recommend.
  • cprimm
    cprimm Posts: 1
    don't give up. It will start coming off.
  • jenalderman
    jenalderman Posts: 411 Member
    I know why you're frustrated. You want to lose faster. I get it. Been there, done that and overall glad that it went slower. For starters, statistically you are far more apt to adjust your lifestyle and actually keep off the weight if it's done in a slower, more gradual manner. The only thing that I would suggest is disecting exactly where you are using your calories. For example 25 fat calories are utilized WAY different in your body than 25 fiber or proteins. As a general rule, I treat my fiber and protien as MINIMUMS while treating all the others as MAXIMUMS. Play with the combinations until you hit on exactly what YOUR body wants and needs and uses the most efficiently. Most importantly, keep your chin up. As long as you are going in the right direction, no matter how slowly, you ARE turning your life around. CONGRATULATIONS!
  • FattieBabs
    FattieBabs Posts: 542 Member
    Hi, I am losing about one pound a week too and have been taking this seriously since 1st Feb... , but I have notice that my clothes fit much better and I am down almost a dress size even though the weight loss is not as great as I hoped. I don't know if that is the exercise convering fat to muscle, maybe. The main thing is that I am not putting the weight back on so I am teaching myself patience!! I am going to set myself goals every six months but will not beat myself up if I don't quite reach them, as long as the graph line is going down.

    Losing weight, having spent years putting it on is the hardest challenge to get it off again. One thing I know for sure. I am NEVER going to get into this state again!!

    Good luck with the weight loss, every bit lost helps!! :smile:
  • lizcraft
    lizcraft Posts: 35 Member
    I know it is frustrating only loosing a bit over a pound a week, but you have to look at the bigger picture here. Your weight is going in the right direction. Any person that I have taked to has always said that a pound a week is the right loss to have a week. I have noticed that if I weigh in every couple of days I am seeing a better loss that if I wait and weigh in once a week. Keep up the great work. Keep your head up and it will get you where you want to be.
  • lnadeau66
    lnadeau66 Posts: 135 Member
    Beth, think about it. I want you to pick up a 5 pound bag of flour and 2 pound blocks of butter. This is what you have taken off in a month and a half.....puts things in prospective doesn't it? Keep it up, you can do this. Hang in there, Lynn
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    I remember pretty much killing myself at the gym, I am not sure if you feel that way. I reviewed some other posts and stuff, they say it's healthy and good to lose one pound a week. Yes that's fine, but it's no point if you're torturing yourself to get it.

    You have to understand, not all calories are created equal. They effect the body differently. Some calories don't help with weight loss, they increase weight loss, some calories help with weight loss, the key is to know how the macro nutrients affect the body. What I mean by macro nutrients are proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.

    In the muscles there are things called glycogen receptors, glycogen is just carbohydrates. This means when you eat carbs, it goes to the muscle, so it can be used for moderately intense activities. What happens if the receptors are full? Where do carbohydrates get stored? In your fat, for long term use later.

    The delivery system to store carbs is a raise in insulin, eating carbs raises insulin, which can "possibly" make you gain weight. What else increases insulin? Eating a lot of calories.

    So here's the thing, There are only 2 reasons why weight loss might be slow or non existent..
    1. You're not burning enough calories throughout the day, by eating access of calories, or by lack of activity.
    2. Your carbohydrate ratios are too high.

    So the thing to do is, make sure you're at your appropriate, caloric intake. Should be 500 below maintenance, This will lead to a weight loss of 1lbs a week, You need to add exercise to prevent your metabolism from slowing down. If you burn 500 calories per workout, that is another 1lbs. In total that's 2lbs a week.

    Also check how many calories you're eating of carbohydrates, I am currently below 100g of carb a day, I do that for 2 days, then on day 3 i let loose, to replish my muscles. This is not a high protein diet, I do eat my carbs, I just do it at a time that is most effective for my body to get maximum results. There are other techniques and methods that can bring greater results, but those are advanced techniques. I won't discuss them here.

    1. Check your caloric intake, make sure it's right.
    2. If it is right adjust your carbohydrates.
  • bethanna91
    bethanna91 Posts: 63
    thank you everyone for your replies
  • supersecretsquirrel1877
    I have posted this before and I will keep posting it. It is not only about the magic number on the scale but how your body has changed. Little things like is your bra fitting different? Kinda personal I know but woman seem to lose the boobs first. I notice things like my pockets actually stay IN my jeans now, instead of kinda crawl out as the day goes on. Also notice that I no longer have to do the ever popular "knee stretch" to my t-shirts even when they are fresh out of a hot dryer. My toes get a little more visable each day, the stomach pouch/front butt is making a very slow (talking snail pace here) retreat and I can actually see the tattoos that adorn the top of my feet now. My scale may only say 10lbs lost but my body is telling me that what I am doing is working.
  • mommymovingmountains
    mommymovingmountains Posts: 192 Member
    I think I have been logging in for 55 days and I have lost 7. I carried 7 pounds of hand weights around for a few hours the other day and my arm was tired so I think my body is pretty happy about it! Keep up the good work :)