Time of the month! just can't get satisfied?

Mother nature is visiting and i just can't seem to get satisfied with food today, I'm constantly hungry. I've just about stayed within my calorie goal today (phew). I usually eat just under or on the nose of my daily calorie, is there a way of telling the overall deficit I have banked over the last few days/week? I just want to make sure I'm on target to lose this week.

Thanks all


  • sirion2
    sirion2 Posts: 50 Member
    I have my period now, too. What I like about my period is I shed a pound or two of water weight! It's ok to have a day here and there where you go over. The important thing is the trend over time to eat less than you burn. Be kind to yourself. Try some protein, bulk salad, or water to fill up your tummy--but if that doesn't help, sometimes a nice cold glass of milk really hits the spot to quell my hunger.
  • girlviernes
    girlviernes Posts: 2,402 Member
    congrats on staying in your limit. I generally bump myself up by about 300-500 kcals during those 3 days or so of excess hunger.
  • primrose2572
    primrose2572 Posts: 58 Member
    Thanks both! It's a miracle I haven't gone trough the roof with calories today. I'm trying to fill up with hot drinks and water but have been so snacky and am seriously craving chocs. I feel so guilty as I've eaten a lot of crap! So I've decided I'm going to take myself off to the gym for an hour then home and straight to bed. i stumbled on a part of the MFP site where it shows the status of your calorie deficit. Can you navigate me to this section?.

    Many thanks in advance!
  • primrose2572
    primrose2572 Posts: 58 Member
    Haha!! I've just found it again and says my (net) calories are 2313. Is this my deficit?
  • sirion2
    sirion2 Posts: 50 Member
    The desktop app and iPhone app are different. Where I can see the net calories under weekly goal is in my iPhone app under "Nutrition" and touching the "Weekly" button at the bottom. It shows me "1,851 calories under weekly goal."
  • AlexisMichele93
    AlexisMichele93 Posts: 60 Member
    I have endometriosis so that time is really hard on me. It's an odd mix of being so sick and miserable I can't move and have no desire to eat, and the rest (usually after my prescription) begs for me to eat everything in the house and every chocolate item for a 10 mile radius. It's awful and I've never attempted to lose weight or count calories at that time so I'm not excited for next week. Haha best of luck to you :) I'm not sure how to navigate this site yet, so I guess I would just go to my diary and add up my left over calories for however many days I want to look at. I'm sure there's an easier way but that would work if you can't find the page you were talking about. I may drop my calories a bit leading up to my period so I can endulge more easily. I hadn't thought of doing that until I read your post. :)
  • primrose2572
    primrose2572 Posts: 58 Member
    sirion2 wrote: »
    The desktop app and iPhone app are different. Where I can see the net calories under weekly goal is in my iPhone app under "Nutrition" and touching the "Weekly" button at the bottom. It shows me "1,851 calories under weekly goal."

    I found it and it says 2313 net calories but what does this mean?
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    sirion2 wrote: »
    The desktop app and iPhone app are different. Where I can see the net calories under weekly goal is in my iPhone app under "Nutrition" and touching the "Weekly" button at the bottom. It shows me "1,851 calories under weekly goal."

    I found it and it says 2313 net calories but what does this mean?

    My guess is net calories is what you have after exercise is factored in. Idk for sure because I do TDEE rather than MFP's NEAT.

  • primrose2572
    primrose2572 Posts: 58 Member
    It's not easy being female, right?. I'm just back from the gym I manage d a long run and lifted some heavy weights. It's definitely what I needs and no longer feel ravenous. Tomorrow is anew day so will try to co trol it better. My sister has endometriosis so I know exactly how you feel. It's awful. Yes I guess lowering your calls for a couple of days in the run up to monthlies might be a good shout. Good luck for next week!
    Oh and I found the page. Was looking for :smile:
  • sandryc79
    sandryc79 Posts: 250 Member
    I get the munchies for 2-3 days right around my period too. Since I weigh monthly I don't sweat it too much. I give myself 3-500 calories extra, which is fine as I eat at a 500 calorie deficit the rest of the month. Life is too short to be cramping AND starving lol
  • primrose2572
    primrose2572 Posts: 58 Member
    Life is too short to be cramping AND starving lol[/quote]
    LOL! 100%
  • emily9423
    emily9423 Posts: 42 Member
    I just went through that last week and ended up going a little bit over because I indulged in some late night Ben and Jerry's two nights lol I still lost 2 pounds so as long as you're keeping up with your needed activity level and logging all calories you should be fine if you go over a little bit.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    and TOM would be why im eating a bowl of cereal at the moment.... i really hate this week LOLOL
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    Is hunger really that bad? If you know you have eaten the right amount of food, can't you just ignore the feeling?

    If food isn't satisfying you how will more food help, eating back any extra deficit you banked.

    Maybe my opinion isnt valid since I don't have periods :joy:
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    Merkavar wrote: »
    Is hunger really that bad? If you know you have eaten the right amount of food, can't you just ignore the feeling?

    If food isn't satisfying you how will more food help, eating back any extra deficit you banked.

    Maybe my opinion isnt valid since I don't have periods :joy:

    until you have a vagina and PMS you do not get to participate in this discussion.
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    Merkavar wrote: »
    Is hunger really that bad? If you know you have eaten the right amount of food, can't you just ignore the feeling?

    If food isn't satisfying you how will more food help, eating back any extra deficit you banked.

    Maybe my opinion isnt valid since I don't have periods :joy:

    until you have a vagina and PMS you do not get to participate in this discussion.

    Yeah when I posted that I was thinking "how did I end up in this thread"

    But just in general people seem to talk about hunger like unbearable, like its a knife to the stomach, 4 hours after they ate a meal. Just curious about that side of it :p
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Merkavar wrote: »
    Is hunger really that bad? If you know you have eaten the right amount of food, can't you just ignore the feeling?

    If food isn't satisfying you how will more food help, eating back any extra deficit you banked.

    Maybe my opinion isnt valid since I don't have periods :joy:

    until you have a vagina and PMS you do not get to participate in this discussion.

  • ncboiler89
    ncboiler89 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Ops. Sorry. Wrong door.
  • chubbard9
    chubbard9 Posts: 565 Member
    I got mine this morning... I stayed within my deficit today, too, but there is chocolate, cookies, a slice of pizza, and buffalo tenders in my diary! I enjoyed all my food for the day and now and am curled up in the fetal position in bed, lol... I still went to the gym, and got my burn in...That was definitely a first for me!

    As long as you don't go over too often, you'll lose! In a good way! I can't wait for the bloating to be gone, and see another little loss!
  • charlieandcarol
    charlieandcarol Posts: 302 Member
    Merkavar wrote: »
    Merkavar wrote: »
    Is hunger really that bad? If you know you have eaten the right amount of food, can't you just ignore the feeling?

    If food isn't satisfying you how will more food help, eating back any extra deficit you banked.

    Maybe my opinion isnt valid since I don't have periods :joy:

    until you have a vagina and PMS you do not get to participate in this discussion.

    Yeah when I posted that I was thinking "how did I end up in this thread"

    But just in general people seem to talk about hunger like unbearable, like its a knife to the stomach, 4 hours after they ate a meal. Just curious about that side of it :p

    Do you remember that time during your teenage years when you were all hormonal and your body was going crazy and you felt irrationally miserable/sad/depressed/angry or whatever and you really couldn't control it and ended up frustrated and upset? That's what a couple days every month is like for me (can't speak for others) and it is accompanied by an insatiable drive to eat that is not like when you are physically hungry and nothing you eat puts an end to the drive. Then I wake up the following day and all is normal again. Can't speak for others but that's what it can be like for me. Its hard to ignore because I am not in my usual temperament/state of mind.