3 Days in, Hi Everyone

looking to help motivate people and to be motivated...., this app is turning me into a health geek..., never spent so much time reading food labels :)


  • breezy0906
    breezy0906 Posts: 164 Member
    I thought I was the only one! I read everything now!
  • It's a nightmare in the supermarket aisles I even slow the pensioners down
  • liviloo40
    liviloo40 Posts: 1 Member
    Me too, I love it though... Have u weighed yourself since starting, I'm not sure how often to!??
  • No not yet but pants are looser :)
  • georgieamber2
    georgieamber2 Posts: 229 Member
    liviloo40 wrote: »
    Me too, I love it though... Have u weighed yourself since starting, I'm not sure how often to!??
    Yeah I'm not sure how often to weigh myself! Like I don't want to do it too often:/ maybe once a week or something?
  • Hello ijust started using it for the second time around its been 17 days for me so far and I have incorporated walking to my program I'm up to 4 miles. Feeling good hope it's working for you all as well.
  • racennsnana
    racennsnana Posts: 2 Member
    Keep using the app. When I have to keep track of what I'm doing I'm more responsible with what I put in my mouth!
  • racennsnana
    racennsnana Posts: 2 Member
    Keep using the app. When I have to keep track of what I'm doing I'm more responsible with what I put in my mouth. I too keep track of what is added into packaged foods. It's not just the calories the sodium and other preservatives will get ya too!