The Facebook of Fitness!

LeanerBeef Posts: 1,432 Member
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
Just signed up on this site and started my fitness journey on Monday. It looks like this could replace my Facebook addiction, lol! That's gotta be good right???


  • Debinapril
    Debinapril Posts: 53 Member
    Yep! lol
  • JustJudy
    JustJudy Posts: 142 Member
    I actually do find myself on here more than FB!! I love looking through the forums and seeing what others are doing that may work for me! Welcome :happy:
  • Mad_Dog_Muscle
    Mad_Dog_Muscle Posts: 1,251 Member
    I think you will find an overwhelming number of people are feeling the same as you. FB is great, but this has the added benefit of "we are all in this together" mentality so it creates an instant bond if you will.

    Good luck to you!!
  • patattheshire
    patattheshire Posts: 123 Member
    it will
  • Mrz_Rich
    Mrz_Rich Posts: 90
    Welcome!! Yes, it has definitely replaced facebook for me!! Good luck in your weight loss journey!
  • humglum
    humglum Posts: 98 Member
    Definitely! I'm on here way more often than fb (which is a good thing, facebook is a soul sucker).

  • Stuartm1
    Stuartm1 Posts: 101 Member
    I've gone from 3 hours plus a night to less than an hour a week on Facebook. Instead of sitting with the laptop I am now walking for about an hour every day with my wife , we are eating well plus both losing weight at a steady pace. So I have the friend who introduced my wife and me to MFP to thank This site is excellent for help and advice but the best advice is don't always try to do exactly what others do because everyone is different and you have to find a lifestyle that suits you and be prepaired to experement. Good luck on your change in lifestyle I hope it works as well for you as it has for us.
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    I am on here WAY more than FB,and I was on FB ALOT!! I don't go to FB that much anymore,because of all the DRAMA.Everyone is mad at something and *****ing about someone.LOL I find that MFP everyone on here is so positive and supportive!!:smile:
  • nc1191
    nc1191 Posts: 51 Member
    Welcome! Ever since I joined the site, I find myself on MFP way more than Facebook. This site is great for support and motivation and I love reading the discussion boards. Enjoy and good luck! :smile:
  • AngelsKisses75
    AngelsKisses75 Posts: 595 Member
    *nods agreement* Yes it is a healthier alternative. When I log in to MFP it reminds me how much time spent sitting on FB, and fighting with the applications, *groan* time that could be spent in some healthy activity. I find many challenges in here that keep me going, pushing harder, and making it all fun.

    Welcome and I hope you enjoy it as much as so many of us do! :flowerforyou:
  • YES I am on here more than facebook! and i'm a college student!
  • fabulousfebe
    fabulousfebe Posts: 204
    Count me in too....I'm on here before I check my FB...sometimes I travel back and forth while on one, I'm simutaneously checking on the other... LOL :happy:
  • LeanerBeef
    LeanerBeef Posts: 1,432 Member
    Thanks for the nice welcome everyone! I found this site as just an app for my phone to track food intake but once I signed on to the website I was excited to see all the different areas and info available. The message boards are great and the interaction of everyone seems to be so positive. Being able to add friends seems to be a great way to build a little support network - good stuff! It's great to see some of the success stories, especially since I am just starting out and have a looooooong way to go. But you gotta start somewhere right! Anyway, thanks again and good luck to all of you. I hope to hear about all of your future successes!!
  • Just signed up on this site and started my fitness journey on Monday. It looks like this could replace my Facebook addiction, lol! That's gotta be good right???

    I noticed i don't go on it as much now, only being doing this 2 weeks too!!!!!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,314 Member
    Welcome! Facebook? :yawn:
  • kayleeblue
    kayleeblue Posts: 273
    I have both Fb and MFP up at the same time..but MFP is more interesting. Good Luck! Add me if you would like.
  • julie4760
    julie4760 Posts: 125
    first thing I do is open up and start adding my daily information on food and exercise and then check out what everyones up to, welcome and good look to you on your journey, feel free to add me if you need extra support.
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