Looking for pen pal type friends

So I've been here before. I'm a 6'1, 22 year old guy who started in October of 2013 @ 280 lbs, motivated by a fresh breakup (completely unrelated to my weight), with a goal weight of 185 lbs and for 10 months I was a weight loss champ. Except for the odd weekend i was completely on que for exercise and eating, I hit every daily calorie goal, was exercising at least every other day and losing at a healthy pace. I ended up at 205 lbs by the end of august, feeling and looking the best i had in years. In September, I moved out of my parents house and in with some friends and stopped working out, but stayed on diet. In November, I got back together with my ex (which has turned out great) but I lost my initial motivation of getting in shape since I now had a girlfriend again and fell off the wagon and started eating kinda crappy again, and the weight started creeping up again. I realize my mistake, I wasn't really losing weight for myself, but rather the women that I hoped to attract. Now that I'm hitched once again, I want to get this done for myself.

So here I am, sitting at 230 lbs, with the same goal weight as before. This time however, since I don't have the same motivation as i did before (breakups make bodybuilders they say) I was thinking of trying to find some people that I could exchange messages say once every couple of days, just summarizing how the days went to help give a little extra accountability. Someone to give encouragement but also to give me a little kick in the *kitten* if I've been slacking for a couple days in a row. I've tried doing this just with my news feed update but its too impersonal for me to be effective.

Essentially for me this is going to be a mini fitness journal that I can get feedback on to keep me accountable. Also I'm kind of competitive so I feel if I find someone who progresses fast it'll motivate me to try and do the same
