Which is best?

Anyone have any quick exercise tips? ESP ones that work on the go or can fit into busy lifestyle? Mainly for hip and belly weight loss! Thank you in advance... Feel free to add me to keep sharing :)


  • jakethomson93
    jakethomson93 Posts: 4 Member
    If u want to try and target core weight then eating is always #1, but the most simple and effective way IMO would be to practice planking. Try spending 15-20 min every other day using the straight plank and both side planks.(don't forget cardio, diet & water)
  • XxNataleighXx
    XxNataleighXx Posts: 46 Member
    I tried planking earlier, but I have sciatica, scoliosis and exaggerated curvature of the spine... It was very painful :-/ Id like to keep trying though to get my body used to more strenuous exercise! Thank you :) x
  • peachyfuzzle
    peachyfuzzle Posts: 1,122 Member
    There is no way to spot reduce where fat loss comes from. Your body will drop the fat from wherever it wants regardless of where you "target." All you can do is lose weight, and your body will take care of the rest as it sees fit.
  • shabaity
    shabaity Posts: 792 Member
    This gonna sound odd but we do this in my mma class, lay on your back legs up at an angle feet off the floor head up and windmill your feet. We do 45 second rounds of that with 10 seconds of mountain climbers in between.
  • asstronautpants
    asstronautpants Posts: 7 Member
    Fitnessblender on YouTube has workouts for busy people and low impact cardio. (Which I need for my creaky, old lady knees)