Lets do this!

Hi everyone! My name is Kayley and I've been using this app for about a week now! I'm looking for some supportive workout app friends to keep each other motivated! I'm struggle with keeping track of what I'm eating but I got the exercise part down pat. I do kickboxing 2-3 times a week and I absolutely love it! I'm the type of dieter who goes in strong but after a month or two I can't stick with it. I really want to stick with it and stick with a healthier lifestyle especially since summers coming. I'm so ready to feel confident in a bikini! Let's get motivated together! Add me ☺️


  • danielabe1985
    danielabe1985 Posts: 1,582 Member
    hey, good luck with everything, you will do great
  • allieamat
    allieamat Posts: 10 Member
    I've actually was about to enroll in a kick boxing class. It's seems like such a fun exercise compared to staying put on an elliptical
  • FrancisCV7
    FrancisCV7 Posts: 123 Member
    Dang, good on ya for sticking with kickboxing that's awesome. Well, kayley, with MFP you'll find it easier to keep yourself accountable for what you're eating. It won't solve the fading motivation, but with the friends you'll make on here we'll make sure you stay on track! :)

    Let's do this!!
  • bengal512
    bengal512 Posts: 179 Member
    Ok let's! One thing I would like to see with MFP? Say it's dinner time and you have 600 calories left it would be good if it can suggest what you can eat at that calorie range.

    Streak is 30 days. But this is just me logging daily. I've gone over a couple of times. Like today

    What are we doing again??