Any tips to stay/get even leaner and ripped when maintaining

jakethomson93 Posts: 4 Member
edited November 15 in Goal: Maintaining Weight
I'm currently 6'3 200lbs, I was up around 215 but felt like I could cut some of the baggage. Never practiced the whole bulking season/cut season crap just believed in hard work and discipline.
I take no supplements other than the odd prewirkout & of course fish oils.

Just wondering if anyone had any tips that they have used that have WORKED to help them get shredded while maintaining the weight their at.

And please, (drink water, eat good, work hard) isn't really what I'm looking for. Something a little bit more specific


  • bioklutz
    bioklutz Posts: 1,365 Member
    Read up on body recomp. That is probably what you want to accomplish.
  • Topgun77822
    Topgun77822 Posts: 6 Member
    As bioklutz indicated what you speak of is known as a "re-comp" or recompositioning. For a majority of the population that are drug free, with average genetics recompositioning works well if your out of shape and new to training. In general after 6 months to a year the muscle building gains come pretty slow.

    So, to the point...other than enhancing your hormonal profile to superphysiological levels there are no tips or tricks other than what you had mentioned(eat hard). But I tell you....the change happens SLOW....I mean....years slow. In a year you might add 10 pounds to your bench...maybe 20 pounds to your squat and deadlift....but your lean and tight year round...and that has its merit if it is important to you.

    If you want to reach 90 percent of your potential in a reasonable time frame ask about bulking and works...and bulking doesn't mean you have to blow up to 300 pounds. tricks. Go do will learn a lot about your body. Good luck.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    Caveat - I'm not shredded and have no intention of trying to be either...

    But I am still recomping. My version of recomp is simply eating maintenance calories (although in an uneven eating pattern), train hard and body composition will follow performance improvements in its own good time.

    Recomp gets harder/slower the more lean and more highly trained you are. But as a 21 year old male you have a huge advantage over most people. It can still be done to very low BF% but then you are likely to have to be getting into the much more technical recomps that involve calorie cycling and very regimented eating / training patterns.
    Lyle McDonald's Ultimate Diet 2.0 worth checking out or Alan Aragon's culking approach.

    So you need to have a real think about your priorities.
    Ultimate goal versus short term goals, how long you are prepared to take to get to your ultimate goal, prepared to dedicate yourself to what may be a fairly rigid eating and training discipline or sacrifice leaness by doing a bulk/cut cycle (or cycles).

    One option would be to recomp until your body composition and strength progress stalls and then reassess.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I'm a girl but when I want to look as lean as possible I eat more lean proteins and veggies and less processed crap and sugars. While, of course, keeping up on my lifts and workouts.

    I don't practice this year long, because it would drive me batty, but when I am leading up to a vacation or what not, I'll practice it for a good 6 weeks and it really makes a difference for abs are visible, my leg muscles firmer, etc..
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