Too Much Sugar?!

Is anyone else having trouble with their sugar intake?
I've noticed that as a rule it seems that anything that is low in fat tends to be higher in sugar to try and make it taste nicer.

I'm over my sugar amount everyday, I dont add sugar to anything and I've changed my morning breakfast to reduce the sugar intake but I'm at a loss as to what else to cut out.
A lot of my sugar is from fruit and I guess the rest must be from me trying to be better by eating low fat options!

Has anyone else had the same problem or have any suggestions please?


  • Buddie616
    Buddie616 Posts: 167 Member
    I have that problem about 2 to 3 times a week! Im totally with you on this?
  • mizzdivat
    mizzdivat Posts: 67 Member
    I've pretty much been over on my sugar everyday since I started MFP in October or 2010. I don't worry about it too much because most EVERYTHING has sugar in it. I just figure now that i'm tracking my sugar, i'm not eatting as much of it as I was before I started tracking it. This is a tough area to get under control, but just keep trackin it and don't worry too much about it. Just do the best you can. Any improvement is better than before :)
  • SweetToothMelissa
    SweetToothMelissa Posts: 137 Member
    it's the added sugars you should be worried about. I typically eat 2-3 servings of fruit a day, and it always puts me over. Some people think that even the sugars from fruit will be detrimental to weight loss, but I don't think so. Try adding lower sugar fruits like berries if you are overly concerned about it.

    Also, try sprouted grain bread (spelt etc) to cut down on additive in bread, and eat as many whole foods (veggies, lean protein, whole grains) as possible, and that should help cut it down!!
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    It's quite amazing how little sugar we're supposed to have. Anyone who loves and eats fruit (like we've all been told we should) is going to be over on their sugar count. Seems strange. From what I can read, though, I think we shouldn't consume as much fruit as we do. They say to eat the "temperate" fruits with a low-GI like berries, apples and cherries as opposed to tropical ones like papayas, mangoes and pineapple (high-GI). Anyway, I'm finding this whole thing about sugar very interesting as well.