Any ladies with 10-14lb to lose pls add me!

keiraev Posts: 695 Member
edited 9:30AM in Introduce Yourself
I need motivation to help me lose 10-14lb over the next 3/4 months.

Any ladies out there with similar goals I would love to hear from you.

I am 5ft 4 from the UK and lead an active lifestyle- I used to party every weekend but I have now tamed myself into getting healthy and exercising instead. I splashed out on an expensive gym membership to motivate myself and so far it seems to be working. I don't smoke although I used to when I was younger- I do like a glass of wine or two though. :)

I am 32, married with no kids (yet!) and aside from exercise I love cats and dance music (especially the 90s).

Pls feel free to add me!


  • lydt5880
    lydt5880 Posts: 90 Member
    Hey I'm from Southport (near Liverpool). I have 10 lbs left to lose and could use some support with these last pounds as they are stubborn. We could support each other. I'll give you an add

  • leslturn8
    leslturn8 Posts: 505 Member
    Hi i have 18lb to loose :(
    5 foot 6"
    Childcare worker, no kids, love my birds and all music :)
  • DebiP10
    DebiP10 Posts: 275 Member
    Hi hun, im from UK. Had 13lb to loose and got 8 to go. I used to party lots and gave up drinking almost 2 years ago and like yourself, joined a gym. I did get to my goal weight last May when i got married then over the winter i put a stone back on and my clothes are struggling to fasten again so i joined here 3 weeks ago. Its an excellent site for keeping track on everything. so its a big welcome from me in sunny Newcastle lol :smile:
  • EvelynForsyth
    EvelynForsyth Posts: 272 Member
    I have about 10lbs (ish)left tolose too so feel free to add me! :) i used to go out a lot but find i go out for dinner/drinking less and less because im nervous about the extra calories!
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    Hiya, yes I too am in this gang, I did only have 3lbs to go but..... well you know how it is. I do still party too much despite being a 45 year old woman, married to a woman no kids gave up smoking nearly 4 years ago and STACKED weight on

    Originally from England lived in france since 2002, feel free to add me if you'd like, must warn you that I and my fat posse of mfpals swear like troopers, if this would offend dont add me lol!

    All the very best with the stubborn 10lbs and getting set for your hol!
  • schninie82
    schninie82 Posts: 502 Member
    Hi there...I'm from Cheshire and currently have 11lbs to go from 32lb... I'm a bride-to-be, getting married in october, cant wait but I'm desparate to loose this weight, may even go for a further 10lb if I get to 148lb earlier than end of summer! I work in Accounts.. two boys, dont plan for anymore but I'm young so you never know...! I used to party hard but since having the boys quite close together, I settle for a meal out with my man and a few drinks after because a) Babysitter gets paid by the hour! b) I'm usually shattered c) we are saving for the wedding! I quit smoking over a year ago and all last year I piled the weight on (I was 9st 7lbs) at christmas I weighed myself and I was just under 13stone!! Believe me, I cried a river!!! Im 11 stone 5lb now, I'd be happy at 10st 7 by summer but if I got there early, I'd go for 10st... I'm a little taller than you at 5ft6" sooooo... feel free to add me xxSarahxx
  • pixycats
    pixycats Posts: 62
    We sound like we have pretty similar goals (almost identical SW and GW too) and lifestyles, so I'll add! I'm 5'3ish with about 10-15 pounds to lose, depending. I'm currently trading in other things for this fitness obsession. Although I can't let my red wine go completely. I'm 28, married, with no kids as well. And I'm a huge huge cat person. Let's definitely motivate each other!
  • WhyW8
    WhyW8 Posts: 54 Member
    I had 12 pounds to loose - I have 3 left (well 3 on Friday, but weekend + wine so maybe more than that to go now) and I could use a few friends on here that I know drink on occasion. I used to drink all the time - not hard stuff just wine, and since I cut back to only weekends (plus upped my workouts and logged EVERYTHING even when I'm bad) then the weight has started to drop off. But I have more to go even after that. Looking to have some defined abs. and thats not going to come as easily for me, so I should be on here for a while yet. Hopefully for life so I never go back the way I was. No kids for me - no thank you. I'll be 37 this year - happily married for going on 7 years. I'm 5'6 - goal weight is 128-130 depending on how I feel when I get there and look in the mirror! We have a dog, a boxer and he is the light of our life, but no we don't dress him in costumes or anything its not like that!!! I'm in California. I hate it here, but the weather is great for working out on a yearround basis so I'm trying to take advantage of that. Oh and I quit smoking 8ish years ago - (best descision of my life besided marrying my husband!) but I don't think thats what made me gain the weight. It came from being married and drinking too much wine and beer...and then I get hungry. for bad things. Its a vicious cycle that I am working on breaking!
  • vtgurlie4
    vtgurlie4 Posts: 1 Member
    First off.. I'm new here.. So here it goes!
    You sound very similar to me. I have so far lost almost 40 pounds, and now am down to the last 8 pounds or so (am 5'7 and want to get down to 145). I'm now to the point where I count every single calorie in and burned. Its a hard task! I've been doing it for a week and have already lost a little over 2 pounds. I think that knowing I need to write down what I eat discourages me from eating as much bad stuff. But I will say, I'd still rather work out an extra ten minutes so I can eat an ice cream bar haha!
  • lochearn
    lochearn Posts: 19 Member
    Hi there

    Been at it 5 days now and doing alright. I have to lose about 10 to 14 aswell, I am 5 3 and 154lbs, age 38 - goal is 10 st.

    I am originally from Scotland but now live in NZ.

    Plan this week is to get some exercise.

    Good luck to all.
  • hi there

    am also in the UK (London) but am from Australia. Only a few pounds left to go but can always use the support and encouragement

    Achilles Heels:
    1. Setting too-strict rules for myself and then spiralling into over-eating when I break them
    2. Alcohol
    3. Be mindful of what I am eating once I have had a drink

    I'm 38, 5'10", weigh 132lbs. Happily married, 3 kids, aged 4, 3 and 20 months.

    Hope we can all help each other along!
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    I've got 14 left to lose. Boo. Currently 129 aiming for 115. From London, UK. Please anyone go ahead and add me, we all need all the help we can get as the less there is to lose, the harder it is.
  • wolsteem
    wolsteem Posts: 17
    Hi Hon. I'm from Southport and also only 11lb to go. With support I'm sure we will all get there. :smile:
  • BettyBeth14
    BettyBeth14 Posts: 171 Member
    Hi, im from Wales,

    Have roughly 14lbs to lose, but then ill be contrentrating on toning up as opposed to weight LOSS.

    Have sent a request :-) xx
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    Thanks all x
  • atabt
    atabt Posts: 58 Member
    I have about 18 lbs to go (my stretch goal) but would consider myself successful if I lost 10-15 lbs. I think my working out is adding muscle tone so the whole "target weight" thing is hard to gauge. Put it this way: if I can fit into my sexy leather pants one day then I will have reached my overall goal no matter how much I weigh!
  • prplangl4
    prplangl4 Posts: 488 Member
    Come join my weight loss challenge I just started - "Battle of the Bulge Summer Slimdown"

    we're up to over 80 people and we're doing fun stuff, challenges, songs, and tips daily to get everyone repumped and ready to reach their goals! We've got peeps in netherlands and UK so I post the daily challenges/etc each night (EST) so you all have it when you wake up ;-)

    look through the posts for one that has a picture of a lady/guy holding up a rules sign for a quick snapshot of the rules (i think page 6) and join us!!!
  • Michmag
    Michmag Posts: 4 Member
    Hi all, need some buddies to motivate and stay accountable. Joined fitness pal today after reading about site from another. I am a young 48, live in Midwestern US. Post thyroid cancer gained 10 pounds by goofing off. Now, time to get back on the health wagon. Help!
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