Newbie here

Keianne Posts: 5
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone! I'm Keianne and just started this today. I weigh 228 pounds and would like to weigh 175. That's my first goal, and it's a healthy weight for me. So, its good to be here!


  • Stuartm1
    Stuartm1 Posts: 101 Member
    Welcome on board and enjoy the change in lifestyle that will help you reach your goals. Remember blogs etc are all full of advice and things that have worked for others. There is no harm in trying those BUT they may not all suit you and you may find things that help you that are not mentioned. Also remember it's not a race a little weight loss per week is the best way. It's all good fun enjoy and good luck in achieving your goal.
  • MsLaurie65
    MsLaurie65 Posts: 46 Member
    Welcome, you are gonna love it here, take advantage of all the resources they have, engage in the community board, you are going to love it I guarantee...I know I do....once again welcome!:flowerforyou:
  • tanyamg
    tanyamg Posts: 30 Member
    Welcome!! Keep it honest and do it up.. !
  • Aileen46
    Aileen46 Posts: 176 Member
    Welcome aboard! This is a great website. I've found that it's helped keep me motivated and on track because it takes the guess work out of logging calories and exercise.

    Feel free to add me as a friend and we can keep each other motivated!!

    Good luck!! :happy:
  • Keianne
    Keianne Posts: 5
    Thank you both! I'm really excited about this. I'm 36 and i'm not getting any younger.
  • planefxr
    planefxr Posts: 7
    Welcome Keianne! I have been using this for 20 days now, and I am VERY pleased with the results! My wife took a picture of me shirtless and taped it to the bathroom mirror, so I could use it as inspiration every day. I am happy to say that I can definitely see a difference! I am losing one pound a day (except for Cinco de Mayo, where I cheated by eating Mexican twice and it cost me a week of progress, but I am back on track now).

    I read the labels on everything I eat now. I was amazed at how much junk and empty calories I used to eat. I have not added excersize to my weight loss regime yet, but it is coming. My weight loss has been entirely from calorie reduction.

    Good luck on your journey!
  • Keianne
    Keianne Posts: 5
    Great Goals!:bigsmile:
  • Keianne
    Keianne Posts: 5
    Thank you everyone! I was trying on clothes yesterday for a wedding I am going to June 4th....i was half naked, looking in that full length mirror and thought "OMG"!!! How have i let myself get back into this shape!!!!???? So, I am motivated. I just love to eat.
  • cmo1987
    cmo1987 Posts: 40 Member
    I officially started yesterday, I excited to start pushing myself. Good luck and welcome :)
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