Bad service or food at a restaurant



  • healthyjen342
    healthyjen342 Posts: 1,435 Member
    I used to be the person to scarf whatever I ordered down and not care about the quality..Now, if I do go out, I make sure it is what I am asking for AND that it is right when I get it...but I'm never "The Mean Type"...I am always very polite..even if the other person isnt...and I have met some very VERY rude employees...I just give them the biggest smile I can, and say, "Thank You and God Bless You."
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Depending on the problem with the food, I will either send it back or just not eat it. If the food is soo bad I can't eat it, no point in sending it back, but I do say something to the manager. If something is just undercooked I will send it back...usually.

    My guy and I went to a new Bistro in our area that supposedly had a hot shot chef. I ordered trout and got stuffed rockfish...not the waitress at fault, the chef had not told the staff he was out of trout and made the substitution on his own...and wouldn't let me refuse it. I just ate the salad and roll. My guy ordered a filet mignon medium rare, it came out barely grill marked and still frozen in the middle. He sent it back and the chef refused to do anything. He just ate the salad and roll. The waitress came back in tears so upset from the chef yelling at her. We asked for the manager, the waitress told us the manager was the chef! She also told us that he had called the cops in anticipation of us walking out on the bill. We could hear the chef yelling in the kitchen. All the customers were looking around to see what the problem was. We waited for the cops to get there and talk to the chef. When they (the cops) came out they asked if we had refused to pay the bill, we had never said we wouldn't pay it. We explained our side of the situation and showed them the stone cold uneatten meals. The cops agreed with us, but said they had to enforce the law if the chef/manager wanted to push it. They agreed that the chef was an @ss, and said they would never eat there. By this time half the other customers got up and walked out, and the waitress had taken off her uniform/apron and quit. We paid the $125 (food and 1 drink each). The chef never came out of the kitchen. Chicken *kitten* narcissistic @ss. The Bistro went out of buisness in 9 months.
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Imma be the biggest witch here but if my food isn't right, I say something ALWAYS. My money is VERY valuable to me so if we choose to eat out and its not the way I need it, I WILL complain becuz I chose to spend my hard earned money there and I expected it to be done right.
  • brityn
    brityn Posts: 443 Member
    I am a restaurant owner. I give a restaurant four chances. If the food and service aren't up to par then I don't go back. Looks like you knew it was hit or miss. I wouldn't have wasted my time or money with that kind of track record.
  • zosobaby
    zosobaby Posts: 13
    i think british and american opinions of what represents good service differ quite a lot, however, bad service in a restaurant, i dont leave a tip and i complain to the manager, or i leave and dont say anything at all, depending on how bad the service was, and if i can be bothered with the hassle etc!
    bad food, i send it back and dont re-order anything else. i only give people one chance to get it right. if i'm out eating with my partner and his is fine and mine isn't, i send mine back, simple as. i dont have a problem with it.
  • andreacord
    andreacord Posts: 928
    Well, one time I went to Denny's and the service was pretty bad. Then the guy came back and said they ran out of turkey bacon, and wouldn't substitute anything else (I ordered some healthy pancake platter thing) so, I cancelled my order. Kind of a rude move but I was PMSing. Another time we went to Mr.Mike's.. and waited 1 hr 10 minutes for a table. Yeah, that long. Because they don't take reservations.
  • zosobaby
    zosobaby Posts: 13
    WTF is turkey bacon??? surely its either turkey, or its bacon??
  • charityateet
    charityateet Posts: 576 Member
    I am going to say something to the owner for sure. It's my responsiblity, matter of fact my paycheck depends on restaurants making money.......I guess I was just more than anything asking for advice on what *you* do - not go back and tell 10 friends how awful it is, send your food back, etc.

    Loved all your stores - thanks for making me laugh!
  • Sezmo83
    Sezmo83 Posts: 331 Member
    Depends on the problem to be honest. I didn't complain when I got a pizza with the wrong topping but the waiter had come up, told me the chef had messed up and gave me the option of waiting for a fresh pizza to be made and taking the wrong one home free of charge or just eating the wrong one. I chose to eat it as it was one I liked and it was knocked off the bill which I wasn't expecting. I don't complain if I get ice in my drink when I've asked for no ice, it's just not that big a deal to me. I have complained though when my meal has arrived stone cold or completely wrong though.

    I don't think I've ever had really bad service but I can say that when I went to Florida on honeymoon the service there was miles better than any I've had here in the UK.