1,200 calories meal/lunch examples please

im always snacking or going over my sugar or going over carbs can someone share some daily meal plans for me please


  • devilwhiterose
    devilwhiterose Posts: 1,157 Member
    Take a look at my diary (with the exception of yesterday. I had to have an Icee and some m&ms). B)
  • Katerina9408
    Katerina9408 Posts: 276 Member
    im always snacking or going over my sugar or going over carbs can someone share some daily meal plans for me please

    I usualy eat oat flackes boiled with water, fuit and pine tree honey for breakfast ( approx 400 cal), maybe 100 g of boiled chickpease with tomato sause ( again around 400 cal) and dinner salad with 100 g whole grain bread, or some stew (potato stewlentils, beans or some veggie soup)
  • Katerina9408
    Katerina9408 Posts: 276 Member
    chickpease is for lunch
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    A good medium sized pizza. BAM, 1200 calories !
  • Katerina9408
    Katerina9408 Posts: 276 Member
    jkwolly wrote: »
    A good medium sized pizza. BAM, 1200 calories !

    But you need fats and protein too not only carbs.
  • CrabNebula
    CrabNebula Posts: 1,119 Member
    At 12pm, I eat 50g of 80 cals Fiber One Chocolate in 1/2c of unsweetened almond milk and at 2pm, I drink a 16 oz 165 cal protein shake. Total: 313 cals.
  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    im always snacking or going over my sugar or going over carbs can someone share some daily meal plans for me please

    1200 might be too low a goal for you. If you can offer height/current weight/goal weight, you might get more useful advice than just meal ideas.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I can have a larger breakfast if I have a salad or a soup for lunch. Keep snacks reasonable by pre-portioning them. Include a little protein with every meal and snack and you won't have any trouble hitting your protein target.
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    jkwolly wrote: »
    A good medium sized pizza. BAM, 1200 calories !

    But you need fats and protein too not only carbs.
    Sorry, I didn't say "topping-less" pizza

    That would be a waste :'(
  • healthy_life2015
    healthy_life2015 Posts: 215 Member
    Wait do you want 1 meal for 1200 or the whole day?
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    jkwolly wrote: »
    A good medium sized pizza. BAM, 1200 calories !

    But you need fats and protein too not only carbs.

    Do you even cheese?
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    1,200 calories meal/lunch examples please

    I believe a Whopper with cheese, fries, and a 32 oz drink would cover 1200 calories. It's a little greasy for my tastes but some days you just need those extra calories.

  • Tea_Lord
    Tea_Lord Posts: 17 Member
    _dracarys_ wrote: »
    jkwolly wrote: »
    A good medium sized pizza. BAM, 1200 calories !

    But you need fats and protein too not only carbs.

    Do you even cheese?


  • Morgaath
    Morgaath Posts: 679 Member
    OP: My lunch was 432 cals, 20g carb, 62g pro, 11g fat.
    It was a salad. Most of the cals and pro come from the 8oz of chicken breast.
    Dairy is open...but I aim for 2200 cals a day.

  • Sassy_xo
    Sassy_xo Posts: 44
    A good tool to get you started is to google sample 1,200 calorie meal plans. There are so many free ones available!
    Here is a link to 3 days worth of 1,200 calorie eating to get you started!

    You can then take those ideas and your own preferences and plan your day out like they do to help you avoid going over or giving in to cravings!
    Good luck :)
  • SconnieCat
    SconnieCat Posts: 770 Member
    jkwolly wrote: »
    A good medium sized pizza. BAM, 1200 calories !

    But you need fats and protein too not only carbs.

    Why wouldn't I put cheese and meat on my pizza?!?! Are you some kind of a monster?!?!?!

    I guess I can throw some green peppers or something on there for some vegetables. Or something.
  • Luv2Munch
    Luv2Munch Posts: 22 Member
    Hi i usually eat 3/4 cup egg whites for breakfast, 35 cal yogurt snack, lunch 4-6 oz protein and salad w/2 tbsp s. drsg or 2 cups coleslaw instead of salad + 1 oz goji berries, dinner is 6 oz lean [unbreaded] frozen fish, baked chicken [no skin/only spices] or pork tenderloin, combo of low glycemic veggies, + 2 tsp of becel margarine and either cauliflower "rice" or 2 svgs of shiratake noodles. If I'm peckish during the day will eat 1-2 svgs of no fat cold cuts [with the lowest sodium count possible]. On the weekends I'll eat [the odd time] 4-5 cups air popped popcorn & some becel & salt. My daily [when i'm following my food plan] varies between 1100 to 1300 calories [i'm 5.1] + i exercise every day either weights and/or combo of weights & cardio [for 30-60 minutes] good luck. cheers, b
  • Idea for breakfast that works for me: 4oz lean ground turkey sauteed with cooking spray and any flavor Mrs. Dash (no sodium). Add 5 egg whites to that and scramble together. I add a sliced tomatoe (approx 100 grams) to my plate as well as 60-70 grams of fresh avocado. Twice a week I add 50-75 grams of brown rice to the eggs and turkey. approx 350-400 calories. Very filling. It has been working great for me. (can prep turkey for the week before hand and just weigh out what you need). Hope this helps. K
  • healthyfitme12
    healthyfitme12 Posts: 50 Member
    I swear by this try pinterest it has so many great recipes to try that are healthy!
  • Gail_ish
    Gail_ish Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks everyone for the great ideas - I never would have thought of Google (I've given up Pinterest for Lent :s ) I'm copying the rest of your stuff down...