Long journey ahead !!!!help?????

i have a very long journey ahead any help or advice ? :p


  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    Break your goals in to smaller goals that you can crush! 7 days of hitting your calorie goal. 5 days of exercise a week. You can do this! It took 2 years but this site helped me lose over 100 lbs.
  • krae34
    krae34 Posts: 4
    Ok thank you !! I'm trying to lose over 100lbs but I know it's one day at a time I have a little one I know it will be worth it !!
  • FrancisCV7
    FrancisCV7 Posts: 123 Member
    edited March 2015
    Break your goals in to smaller goals that you can crush! 7 days of hitting your calorie goal. 5 days of exercise a week. You can do this! It took 2 years but this site helped me lose over 100 lbs.

    This is absolutely on point. Setting smaller goals in ADDITION to larger ones, can help keep one motivated with their fitness journey. My own piece of advice is to stick with it. The days that you feel like sitting on the couch are the ones where your dedication and motivation will truly be tested! So, NEVER GIVE UP and you'll find success :)

    Good luck and happy logging!
  • krae34
    krae34 Posts: 4
    Thank you !!
  • ntinkham88
    ntinkham88 Posts: 130 Member
    Just take it one day at time! You got this!
  • MaryMacAttack
    MaryMacAttack Posts: 116 Member
    edited March 2015
    Don't weigh yourself everyday. Weight can fluctuate so quickly- once a well at the same time is enough.
    take before pictures and measurements. There will be times the scale won't budge and having measurements and pictures to compare to will be a big motivator!
    Drink your water everyday- no excuses!
    Good luck! I also have a long journey ahead of me. Keep your chin up :)
  • kimberlyanne0522
    kimberlyanne0522 Posts: 38 Member
    Everything everyone said above!!
    Any one of the beach body 21 day fit programs would get you there!! I've done a few of them and they are almost addicting! The best thing is support from people using this app helps... so add friends!! Feel free to add me if you'd like. Good Luck!! You can do this.
  • Scott9112015
    Scott9112015 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey ya all, i think this app is great, wish it was around years ago when training hard, anyone know the deal with sweet potatoes if they are good ?
  • dani_1977
    dani_1977 Posts: 557 Member
    edited March 2015
    I know this is obvious by patience the weight didn't come on in 3 months, its going to take longer to lose. Dont give up, keep going. If you get tired or need a break just change your calories to maintance so at least you dont gain. Keep your food choice interested so you dont bored with what you have. Take pics and measurements now ( or use a pair of jeans as a fit guide), becuase at some point the scale will not say what you want so you will need to use another tool as how far you have come.