Seasonal Allergies, workouts, and Dizziness

Sorry to bother, but I have a question and was hoping I could get some help.
I suffer from seasonal allergies and noticed lately I've been getting dizzy and lightheaded. When I workout it get even more. I think it's due to allergies because I've had tests in the past and i am perfectly healthy. Ive sneeze, sore throat and runny nose ALL the time. I eat plenty and drink plenty.
Anyone else suffer like this? Any tips?


  • lindaanndxn
    I suffer with them also, nasacort and Claritin ! This time of year is horrible. I also wash my hair every night and bed linens once a week . Helps with the pollen and dust. Don't know if you can purchase allavert-d in your state or have to have a doctor prescription but it's a life saver. Where I live you have to go to doc for prescription .
  • futuremanda
    futuremanda Posts: 816 Member
    I take Reactine daily, or some years I switch to Aerius. You may also want to look into a prescription for a nasal spray -- take only when you need, or you'll get a dry nose, but they are *fantastic* for when you still have bad runny nose etc despite daily allergy meds.
  • VegasFit
    VegasFit Posts: 1,232 Member
    I don't get dizzy or lightheaded but I do suffer from allergies. They are extremely bad here in Vegas. Even Whole Foods sells a Vegas allergy mix. I was on Claritan for years until my allergist had me try a Neti pot. Works wonders. I just use it twice a week now. Also a couple times I did have the sore throat, runny nose it turned out to be a sinus infection but I didn't know it because I didn't get the other typical symtoms associated with that. Good luck.
  • shinisize
    shinisize Posts: 105 Member
    Neti pots are cheap and can help a ton. I upgraded to a powered nasal sprayer last year, which was a big investment at $90, but it rocks for getting out really packed in, thick snot (it earned every penny when I had a wicked head cold). Also, I've found that Flonase works a lot better for me than any of the pills. I only need to use it every couple of days, vs taking multiple pills and still being stuffed up. Flonase tends to make me sleepy for about an hour, so I just take it right before I go to bed.
  • lbm1987
    lbm1987 Posts: 9 Member
    I have year-round indoor/outdoor allergies and I have experienced lightheadedness and dizziness before. I asked my doctor about it and she said it was due to my sinuses putting pressure on my inner ears, throwing off my equilibrium. To get rid of that, she recommended taking an allergy medicine containing pseudophedrine to drain my sinuses and relieve the pressure. Now I take 24 Hr Allegra on a daily basis and whenever I start feeling pressure in my ears/head I take a Sudafed and Nasacort along with my regular Allegra for about a week and then I'm fine again!