Hey everyone!!! New to the app, I'm hoping it will assist me on my journey to a healthier way of living. So please add me as a friend and let's support each other. They say when you do it with friends you lose 2x the weight. I'm ready!!!!!


  • Landon1021
    I'm excited for you! You can do it. This is my third time on this app but this time I'm determined. I've already lost 4 pounds in 2 days so let's set these goals and work on accomplishing them together ;)
  • fiestyflower1
    fiestyflower1 Posts: 14 Member
    I keep starting and then stopping. There is a lady at work with a bunch of chocolate on her desk I have to really stop myself from eating any when I get hungry (when I forget my snacks). It's hard to not fall into temptation. I'm with you on your journey. I feel determined as well. Add me!
  • BFoxxxy1
    BFoxxxy1 Posts: 4
    My downfall is sweets. But I'm determine to stand firm on staying on the right track to see the results I wanna see. Now I just have to incorporate exercising into my routine and I'll be in there like swim wear.
  • BFoxxxy1
    BFoxxxy1 Posts: 4
    Congrats Landon for losing the 4lbs in 2 days what did you if you don't mind me asking
  • TanyaAngelique
    TanyaAngelique Posts: 9 Member
    Hi please add me and I will add you. I need help reaching my goal and getting out the 200s!!!