need support

Hi I'm 26 years old and I know I need to lose over 100 lbs. Yesterday the dr also let me know this. I had a baby in oct.2014 and I was already a big girl before my pregnancy. N now it's time to drop the pregnancy fat and plus more. The thing is my husband ways bad and I think that makes it hard for me to continue eating healthy. I can't fight the urges for sweets. Also I can't control myself from eating. Food is my addiction. But I always say I'm going to stay eating healthy with no carbs. And it doesn't last a day. I need some friends that are in it with me and some support. Would anybody be willing to help?


  • martineztalisa
    martineztalisa Posts: 5 Member
    Sorry my husband eats bad
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Am seeing a lot of cant. You will need to change your attitude to you can and will. Dont worry about your husband just take responsibility for your own weight loss, commit and focus.

    Start off with reading and learn that its just a matter of calorific deficit, it seems you need a grounding in weight loss and nutrition so you cna make a sound plan that is sustainable safe and will work for you. You cna do it if you just apply yourself.
  • cokefloat1
    cokefloat1 Posts: 86 Member
    It's all the more difficult if there's people around you that are eating unhealthy foods but stick with it and avoid the temptation. Once the weight starts coming off and you find you can do things more easily that will be the motivation that you need.

    The hardest part is getting going!

    Congrats on the baby by the way! My first daughter was also born in October :-)
  • melly0405
    melly0405 Posts: 215 Member
    The journey is definitely easier if you have someone on it with you but since your husband isn't on board right now you have to think about why you are doing it! You are doing it to be the healthiest best you that you can be not only for yourself but for your baby. Small changes each day add up to big changes long term. You have to take it one day one pound at a time set reasonable goals for yourself and celebrate your accomplishments the app makes it so easy to be accountable so if you mess up today you start over again at the next meal next snack you don't throw in the towel and say since I already exceeded my calories for today I will just binge. I know you want your baby to grow up healthy with good eating habits and it starts with you who knows after a while you may find your husband changing his ways as well but for now all you can do is ask him to support you in your journey. We are all here for you as well you can do this uiu deserve it!!
  • martineztalisa
    martineztalisa Posts: 5 Member
    <3 thank yall 4 the support trying little by little everyday and most definitely trying to cut down sugars until I can completely cut them out. All this is for my babygirl. She is my world n I want her to know and live a healthy lifestyle, me being her prime example and also that I want to be active with her and healthy for her so I can grow old with her
  • taraaaxo
    taraaaxo Posts: 12
    Whenever you feel the urge for sweets or food just think of your little girl and how much she'd love to have her mom running around playing with her! :)
    Best of luck
  • martineztalisa
    martineztalisa Posts: 5 Member
    :D thank you girl! I appreciate it. I just gotta think she's all the sugar I need! Ur awesome!
  • onlyadrizzle
    onlyadrizzle Posts: 60 Member
    You can add me if you would like to! I'd definitely support ya!

    Just a little advice from my own experience is to not cut things out cold turkey! That is going to possibly build up to a binge day which will make you feel awful ): Instead start by portioning and then start substituting for example regular pasta with whole grain pasta.

    And if you are really craving something, let yourself have a small portion of it! Way better to satisfy the craving instead of trying to substitute for that craving and letting it grow. Just a small example, at the beginning of this week I was craving every single junk food you can imagine and it was awful! But I let myself have a piece of chocolate and the cravings went away! I satisfied my sweet tooth and I still lost weight this week!