getting married! need help with motivation!

Brand new here. I could use some help with motivation. I'm getting married in November after a 3 year engagement. Motivation enough right? Well, things in the past have given me sort of a "what's the point" mindset that i need to get out of! Any help is appreciated. Thanks! :)


  • Landon1021
    No matter how slow you go, you're still lapping everyone whose on the couch ;)..Begin with simple goals that make you feel good. Go at a pace that makes you feel comfortable. You can do this! :)
  • natcol619
    natcol619 Posts: 14 Member
    Great advice by Landon above :)
    And congrats on getting married!
  • TheFairiesMadeMeDoIt
    Just think how gorgeous you will look in your wedding dress! Use that for your motivation and just set small achievable goals to get you started.
  • sheilanevels1002
    You sound pretty motivated to me. You found this app and put yourself out there for all to see. You got plans and benchmarks from now to November. Just do one day at a time. Correct the mistakes as thay happen. Plan for success. .