New MFP member here

Hello, I've been using DailyBurn for tracking food, but had heard good things about the MFP app, so thought I'd try it out. Looks good so far.

I'm 42, male, and have had weight problems all my life. I've worked on losing off and on, with varying results, and it always seems to come back when I lose focus.

I was doing well a couple years ago, then lost focus again when my dad got sick and haven't gotten back to it until last month. I've lost about 5 pounds so far, so a long way to go, but...working on it. The spring weather is a big help, as my favorite exercise is walking outside.

Complicating my weight loss is that I have PKU, and so have to limit my protein intake. Balancing the protein and calories can be a challenge.


  • kdchick99
    kdchick99 Posts: 104 Member
    Nice to meet ya! My son has PKU and I use this app to track his did and calories. The clinic has been concerned about his weight recently. Since it's such a rare disorder, I thought the support would be appreciated. Feel free to add me.
  • arkham_ma
    arkham_ma Posts: 62 Member
    Managing weight with PKU can be a struggle. As I said, I've been dealing with it my entire life.

    In theory, it should be easier with good diet adherence, though I haven't noticed a major improvement since going back on the diet (except when I first started and could eat less protein - and therefore was eating so little I lost weight).