You Can Eat Whatever You Want ... As Long As You Excercise ?

So today I had someone offer me cupcakes. I love cupcakes, but I was all no I am trying to loose weight (big NSV for me) and then she says you can eat whatever you want as long as you excercise. What do you guys think of this "idea". I was also wondering if you are on the low end of calories 1200 per day or less. How long does it take the body to come out of starvation mode and just keep burning fat?


  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    It depends how much exercise you do! Athletes have to eat a huge amount to fuel what they ask of their bodies, but unless you have hours every day to exercise, no, you really can't. I am having to eat less than I used to and exercise far far far more to lose even a small amount of weight.
  • Higglyjiggly64
    Hi! My daily calorie goal is 1200. My motivation to exercise? So I can eat more! :P Since coming on here, I have pretty much eaten what I want. I am about portion control now and making more discerning choices. If I eat junk, I try to balance it with exercise. I have started eating healthier, but I'm a sweets addict. I have been on for 3 months. Many others have lost more weight than me in that time, but I think slow and steady will win the race. I am trying to adjust my eating habits so that I can LIVE with them and yet NOT gain weight. So, deprivation/starvation not on my to do list.
  • flyingspatulas
    flyingspatulas Posts: 97 Member
    Sure, you can eat whatever you want, but you won't be any healthier than when you started if you're just putting junk into your body. A "treat" now and then won't kill you, but speaking as a self-saboteur, I can tell you that it's a slippery slope from one cupcake into binge eating an entire tray of cupcakes. Don't let yourself believe that you can eat whatever you want and still be healthy as long as you're eating 1200 calories... you can either eat 1200 healthy calories or 1200 junk calories, but your body WILL know the difference.
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    It depends how much exercise you do! Athletes have to eat a huge amount to fuel what they ask of their bodies, but unless you have hours every day to exercise, no, you really can't. I am having to eat less than I used to and exercise far far far more to lose even a small amount of weight.

    I have way too much to do ... I can only work in 1 hour of excercise a day. I usually have a rest day during the week ...
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Hi! My daily calorie goal is 1200. My motivation to exercise? So I can eat more! :P Since coming on here, I have pretty much eaten what I want. I am about portion control now and making more discerning choices. If I eat junk, I try to balance it with exercise. I have started eating healthier, but I'm a sweets addict. I have been on for 3 months. Many others have lost more weight than me in that time, but I think slow and steady will win the race. I am trying to adjust my eating habits so that I can LIVE with them and yet NOT gain weight. So, deprivation/starvation not on my to do list.

    I like the idea of this ... Depriving myself makes me incredibly angry lol Maybe I will try this approach and see if it works for me.
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Sure, you can eat whatever you want, but you won't be any healthier than when you started if you're just putting junk into your body. A "treat" now and then won't kill you, but speaking as a self-saboteur, I can tell you that it's a slippery slope from one cupcake into binge eating an entire tray of cupcakes. Don't let yourself believe that you can eat whatever you want and still be healthy as long as you're eating 1200 calories... you can either eat 1200 healthy calories or 1200 junk calories, but your body WILL know the difference.

    I have no intentions of eating 1200 junk calories ... I have never been a binge eater. I gained a ton of weight eating for fun and out of pure boredom
  • kristydi
    kristydi Posts: 781 Member
    For me it was true when I was an athlete in high school and college. Now, at 32 after having had a baby, it's not true anymore. That was a rude awakening last year when I started exercising but didn't change my eating habits. I lost about 10lbs, then couldn't lose anymore. My body is different and honestly, I'm not willing to put as much time and effort into exercising as I did when I was 18-22. My priorities are just different now so my methods have to change too.
  • Higglyjiggly64
    Sure, you can eat whatever you want, but you won't be any healthier than when you started if you're just putting junk into your body. A "treat" now and then won't kill you, but speaking as a self-saboteur, I can tell you that it's a slippery slope from one cupcake into binge eating an entire tray of cupcakes. Don't let yourself believe that you can eat whatever you want and still be healthy as long as you're eating 1200 calories... you can either eat 1200 healthy calories or 1200 junk calories, but your body WILL know the difference.

    Why does everyone assume right away that when you say you eat whatever you want means all you do is put junk food into your mouth? I have been overweight now for the past 10-12 years. I've done the yo-yo route, fad diets, whatever, nothing has helped me MAINTAIN. Some people really get into the whole foods or organics, but not me. Since coming on here, my diet HAS changed dramatically. That being said, if I want a Wendy's frosty after a 22 mile bike ride, then by golly, I'm going to get one. If there is a birthday celebration, then I am going to join in. Just because I have one piece of cake, doesn't mean I will eat the WHOLE thing. That used to be my problem, so I understand the binge eating, but with MFP, I have learned to control myself. I don't like seeing the red number on the bottom, so that makes me stop and think. So to say it again, portion control (one piece of cake or whole cake)and discerning choices (peanut buster parfait or just an ice cream cone) ALONG with a healthy diet and exercise is how I am going to live my life.
  • flyingspatulas
    flyingspatulas Posts: 97 Member
    Why does everyone assume right away that when you say you eat whatever you want means all you do is put junk food into your mouth? I have been overweight now for the past 10-12 years. I've done the yo-yo route, fad diets, whatever, nothing has helped me MAINTAIN. Some people really get into the whole foods or organics, but not me. Since coming on here, my diet HAS changed dramatically. That being said, if I want a Wendy's frosty after a 22 mile bike ride, then by golly, I'm going to get one. If there is a birthday celebration, then I am going to join in. Just because I have one piece of cake, doesn't mean I will eat the WHOLE thing. That used to be my problem, so I understand the binge eating, but with MFP, I have learned to control myself. I don't like seeing the red number on the bottom, so that makes me stop and think. So to say it again, portion control (one piece of cake or whole cake)and discerning choices (peanut buster parfait or just an ice cream cone) ALONG with a healthy diet and exercise is how I am going to live my life.

    No need to get defensive, I was merely giving my opinion based on the OP's comments about cupcakes and eating "whatever you want." I certainly am not one to eat organic, etc., and I build plenty of non-healthy treats into my own diet. However, I do that with the full knowledge that when I put a sugary piece of birthday cake into my body, I'm not doing myself any favors. I think there are a lot of people who live by the "everything in moderation" motto without actually caring what the "everything" is. We're all in the same boat here, learning to live and eat in a healthy manner to reach our goals. I don't think I was out of line in my comments, but I apologize if you were offended by what you thought I was saying.