Can someone check out my diary?

and let me know if I'm missing anything or anything I could be doing better? Would really appreciate it. Thanks.


  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    I think it looks ok. Just make sure you get in more fruits and veggies! Smoothies are an excellent way to do this.
  • michelleclegg1986
    michelleclegg1986 Posts: 8 Member
    thanks. I just find smoothies always end up with me going over my sugar goal...!
  • bellaa_x0
    bellaa_x0 Posts: 1,062 Member
    unless you have health reasons, you don't really need to monitor sugar intake as long as its not all from refined sugar
  • farfromthetree
    farfromthetree Posts: 982 Member
    I only looked this past week , but I think it looks fabulous! Great protein, and I wouldn't worry one bit about your sugar. (unless there are health concerns) Great Job.
  • michelleclegg1986
    michelleclegg1986 Posts: 8 Member
    That's great thank you. No, no health concerns (obesity aside!). So I shouldn't worry about the sugar content of fruit or homemade smoothies?
  • farfromthetree
    farfromthetree Posts: 982 Member
    edited March 2015
    No. As long as it fits into your daily calorie goal, I think it's fine. I got fat by avoiding carbs, avoiding fat, and avoiding sugar. As soon as I stopped worrying about it and focused on calories, I lost weight. 45 lbs. That's what it took to get my blood pressure and cholesterol under control. The weight loss is what helped...not avoiding foods we deem "unhealthy". Good luck!!
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    thanks. I just find smoothies always end up with me going over my sugar goal...!

    I have smoothies almost every day and my sugar ranges from 25-90 grams a day. It has worked fine for me as long as I stay within my calorie goal for the day. For myself, I find that a smoothie packed with too much fruit (and no fat or protein to balance it out) will leave me starving. You can experiment and see what works for you.
  • farfromthetree
    farfromthetree Posts: 982 Member
    thanks. I just find smoothies always end up with me going over my sugar goal...!

    I have smoothies almost every day and my sugar ranges from 25-90 grams a day. It has worked fine for me as long as I stay within my calorie goal for the day. For myself, I find that a smoothie packed with too much fruit (and no fat or protein to balance it out) will leave me starving. You can experiment and see what works for you.

    great point! The protein is what keeps me full longer.

  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    thanks. I just find smoothies always end up with me going over my sugar goal...!

    I have smoothies almost every day and my sugar ranges from 25-90 grams a day. It has worked fine for me as long as I stay within my calorie goal for the day. For myself, I find that a smoothie packed with too much fruit (and no fat or protein to balance it out) will leave me starving. You can experiment and see what works for you.

    great point! The protein is what keeps me full longer.

    I was amazed to what protein power (or a handful of nuts/spoonful of nut butter) did for my smoothies. They went from decent snack to something that could fill me up for hours.

    I mean, I shouldn't have been amazed. . . but we're all learning all the time. :)
  • farfromthetree
    farfromthetree Posts: 982 Member
    edited March 2015

    I was amazed to what protein power (or a handful of nuts/spoonful of nut butter) did for my smoothies. They went from decent snack to something that could fill me up for hours.

    I mean, I shouldn't have been amazed. . . but we're all learning all the time. :)[/quote]

    We really are. I love that part of it!

    I'm an idiot with quoting...