Anyone doing P90X3?

I'm a month into P90X3 and was wondering if there were any groups to join for P90X/Tony Horton fans on here.


  • AReeves41
    AReeves41 Posts: 66 Member
    I started Monday. Not sure about groups yet. Feel free to add me
  • aligirl20
    aligirl20 Posts: 3 Member
    I am! I'm into my 3rd week of it and so far I love it. It is difficult but I'm already feeling great and motivated to continue!
  • aligirl20
    aligirl20 Posts: 3 Member
    Also, I don't know of groups, but I would love to learn of some.
  • sunshinebiddy
    sunshinebiddy Posts: 2 Member
    I have 2 more days of block 2, starting block 3 on Sunday. I was doing really well, not missing a single workout and then my husband and I went out of town for Valentine's Day. I just got back on track this past Monday (took me 3 weeks to get through the last week and a half of block 2 before recovery week).
  • ntinkham88
    ntinkham88 Posts: 130 Member
    It's so hard to get back on track isn't it? You're doing an awesome job though so keep up the good work!
  • Greensfiend
    Greensfiend Posts: 2 Member
    In week 3 of Lean. Great program!!!!
  • sdado1013
    sdado1013 Posts: 209 Member
    I lost 7 lbs in the first 30 days of P90X3 and following its exercise and nutrition guide
  • stevesample76
    stevesample76 Posts: 248 Member
    I'm just finishing up week 4. I am part of a private group on facebook but not aware of any on here.
  • P90XBowler
    P90XBowler Posts: 152 Member
    I'm doing a crazy hybrid with Beach Body programs, I have 4 X3 workouts in my hybrid, I'm loving it. Anyone could add me or msg me to discuss, I eat this stuff :D
  • Me!
  • TrishaCisneros
    TrishaCisneros Posts: 171 Member
    I've already completed a round at the end of last year, and am doing TurboFire now, but I will be doing another round in about a month or two. Feel free to add me!
  • kirayager
    kirayager Posts: 1 Member
    I just finished week 5... love it!
  • JAT74
    JAT74 Posts: 1,081 Member
    I'm starting on Monday, but I'm doing a doubles program with T25 starting both at the same time. I've tried not to double up on workouts on the same day or do upper body two days in a row so I've switched around the workouts so they are nt going to be on the same day as in the normal schedule but I'll complete each week of workouts pretty much as they should eb done.
  • LynGrahamKemp
    LynGrahamKemp Posts: 32 Member
    I've just started this week and I love it!!! I've completed Insanity and wanted to do something that doesn't require as much cardio, but P90X was just too long for me. Thank goodness P90X3 was made! I was just browsing MFP looking for a group as well, but came upon this post. I hope everyone is still at it
  • sfb320
    sfb320 Posts: 2 Member
    edited March 2015
    Is there a P90x3 group on here? I can't find one?

  • sfb320
    sfb320 Posts: 2 Member
    Started this week too and loving it!!
  • kalielise7
    kalielise7 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm on day 52 right now! Have hardly missed any days, maybe 2 the entire time. I've lost about 6 pounds and 6-7 inches so far. I'm hoping to lose more weight...I only lost 1.5/2 during this last block. I still have 11 post pregnancy pounds to go and they are not budging! If anyone wants to friend me, please do! My food diary is public...I also follow 100 Days of Real Food.
  • alina_leder
    alina_leder Posts: 1 Member
    P90X3 has been part of my daily routine for almost a year. I've lost 10-12 lbs, and have toned and firmed up my body everywhere, especially my arms and shoulders. I've completed the Classic program twice and now pick and choose what work out I want to do on a daily basis, alternating between cardio and strength. I've also started to mix it up with PiYo (pilates/yoga with body resistance). Gotta keep the body guessing!
  • ntinkham88
    ntinkham88 Posts: 130 Member
    Just finished Block #2 of P90X3 and feeling great! Only lost a pound since the last training block but I feel like I'm toning up which was my goal to begin with. For anyone wondering, I did create a group for P90X3 or any other of the programs. I guess you would just have to search for "P90X3" and join the group! Let me know if you need an invite for it :)