How to not gain weight on vacation?

I'm going to miami and I'll be drinking a lot and eating. Trying not to chase my alchol with any sugary drinks and not ordering any drinks from restaurants. Can anyone help me food and drinking wise?? I'll try to be as active as I possibly can, but it's so tempting!


  • 530roman
    530roman Posts: 1,819 Member
    Not gaining weight on vacation is like not gaining weight while not on vacation. Moderation, good choices, and eating at a deficit (if trying to lose weight) or eating at maintenance (if trying to maintain weight) are all pertinent.
  • Chrysalid2014
    Chrysalid2014 Posts: 1,038 Member
    Try the Dolly Parton method – only eat or drink half of the portion you'd normally have. That way you get to try everything!
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    I'm just gonna not go on vacation until I've reached my goal weight. That way, all is not lost.
  • Seahawks_Lover
    Seahawks_Lover Posts: 16 Member
    I'm going to disney world at the end of next month and I started thinking ahead because I don't want this to happen either. Then I realized, I need to make my vacation about the fun and not centric around food. I have faith in myself that I will continue to make healthier choices when we go out to eat. We're also going to bring healthier snacks with us to the park, like our homemade beef jerky, protein shakes, veggies sticks, etc. If you don't think you can get around it, then try the method of only eating half of whats on your plate, immediately ask the server to put half in a to go box so you're not tempted to eat the entire plate of food. Walk as much as you can, and drink lots of water. But above all else, have fun and enjoy the sun :smiley:
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,874 Member
    I don't know how your vacations are, but I'm usually on the go...a lot...way more than I am at home.

    I've never gained weight on vacation...I've maintained and usually I lose a little even when I don't want to.

  • Timorous_Beastie
    Timorous_Beastie Posts: 595 Member
    I would rather come back from vacation possibly weighing just a little bit more than come back from vacation thinking, "I wish I'd been more relaxed and not fuss so much over every last calorie."

    How long is vacation? A week? Maybe two? There's not that much damage you can do in such a short amount of time.
  • GothyFaery
    GothyFaery Posts: 762 Member
    I don't really recommend trying to count calories while drinking. Not sure how much you're planning on drinking but it's just not a good idea in general. Even if you just do shots, 1 shot of booze is ~70-120 calories alone. When I'm in Vegas, I can drink my calories in shots alone (and I'm a lightweight!) without even thinking about food.

    You want to eat while you're drinking so your body has something to sop up the booze. Trust me, I tried to count calories in Vegas and I got so drunk so quickly because I didn't eat a lot so I could drink. Not smart.

    Just call it a wash and get back at it when you get home. Not sure how long your vacation is but a week in Vegas and I gain 2-4 pounds that come off after a few weeks of being home. I spent a week in the Virgin Islands 2 weeks ago and I only gained 1.6 pounds even though I ate anything and everything in sight. You have to be able to enjoy your life!
  • jenncornelsen
    jenncornelsen Posts: 969 Member
    just got back from two weeks in europe. i put on 5lb. i imagine half is retained water from being on a plane for 16 hrs. but im sure there is a bit of a gain in there! had an amazing time in the pasta and gelati capital of the world! i didn't fuss about calories to be honest. yup i will have to work to lose those 2-3lb. what matters is i get back at it right away and don't forget all the hard work i put in before my holiday. have a great time
  • Dragn77
    Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member
    Dont go crazy with the Cuban food...though i do recommend at least trying it. Its pretty yummy... Other than that, with the types of foods we have here, Id suggest going tapas style whenever possible... Most of the time I go out on dates / socially, we order a few appetizers and share it between us. Not even really for the health / weight aspect..its just a neat way to be able to try a bit of everything and share with everyone else.

    The biggest thing here though (Im assuming you will be hanging out in South Beach) is that this is a party city...and its not so much the food but the liquor that will get you. (and the cost of them, but I digress...) Im not a big drinker, and will make sure to drink one water for every alcoholic drink, plus I limit myself to 3 drinks. But I live here, not on vacay... so you'll want to have fun Im try to at least drink a ton of water.

    Beyond that...this isnt a get up and go go go type of place like most vacays I guess...this is where people come to relax on the beach all day, and then party at night. So best I can suggest is hit up some fun places to go dancing...and dance your butt off =)

    And...then once you get home, get right back on track and keep moving. Dont let being on a diet affect being able to enjoy yourself...this isnt a punishment, its a lifestyle change. And you want enjoyment and pleasure to remain a part of your life...right?