Hello! : )

Was introduced to the program a few days ago and am starting tomorrow with logging everything. How do you stay motivated? I always start things but never finish....

My husband was away overseas with the Army for a year and I gained about 20lbs, I am a stress eater. But I need to get this weight off. I have never done anything like this so hopefully it works for me : )



  • kennysrush
    kennysrush Posts: 124
    Welcome and best of luck - you'll love MFP!
  • LucieBear
    LucieBear Posts: 117 Member
    Welcome to MFP... the best thing that keeps me motivated is sharing my food diary with the MFP friends. It helps me to stay on track. Also all the support from the MFP friends. Having to report on a daily basis is motivation enough for me... wish you the best and you are welcome to request me as a friend.
  • cjjones007
    cjjones007 Posts: 602
    I've sent a friend request...
    First let me say thanks for what your husband and your family are doing in support of us :)

    It is tough to stay motivated and can be so easy to just give up... MFP is a GREAT place to stay motivated! I love it! I really think that once you get a few friends on your support group going - you'll find it so easy to be involved and to stay motivated!!!
  • mikesovoygirl

    This is my second day here. Staying motivated is very hard, but from what I can see MFP provides a very good support system. So if you need that kick in the pants (so to speak) lol. Just reach out to me or any of your friends. :)